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*:·゚✧ Happily Ever After Special Edition Tea *:·゚✧ 

Jisung let out a deep sigh as he leaned back in the car as he quickly got away from storming fans. This tour had been hectic. Ever since Jisung's debut three years ago his fanbase had been growing steadily. This was his first world tour and so there was an abundance of fans who had brought the VIP tickets to have a hi-touch and fansign with the boy, which was fun. But absolutely draining for the anxiety induced boy.

As the car pulled away Jisung clicked on his phone and checked the time in Korea, it would be around 2 am so Jisung didn't want to call his boyfriend, but Minho being Minho told him to call regardless of the time, claiming it would be the perfect thing to wake up to instead of Dori and Doongie scratching him.

Pulling up the call screen Jisung clicked on Minho's name which was always at the top. It rang through a couple of times before the older boy picked up.

"Jagi, you finished?" Minho's sweet voice flowed through the phone, no trace of just being woken up.

"Hmm yeah I did, the venue was packed today! I think I had the most amount of people at my fansign today, so I am very tired" Jisung laughed, "I thought it was early in Korea, didn't I wake you up?"

"Oh right, Nah Dori decided to wake me up earlier by meowing right in my ear and so I decided to just stay awake and get some paperwork done for the trainee auditions later this week" Minho answered.

"Dori is such a menace, I can't wait to be back next month though! I miss the cats" Jisung pouted, "and you."

Minho chuckled down the line, "Wow am I just a second thought then"

"Ahhh n-no of course not Min, but I haven't had any cat updates for the last few days so I feel cat deprived. Not bubble tea deprived though, Always making sure I get my weekly bubble tea in regardless of where I am in the world"

"I'll make sure to send you some later on today" Minho smiled at the thought of Jisung begging his manager to stop at a bubble tea shop.

"I have to go, we just arrived at the hotel so message me in a few hours, unless I'm knocked out asleep!" Jisung laughed and the pair said a quick goodbye and hung up.

Grabbing his bag, mask and a hat Jisung covered his face so that he wouldn't get recognised and he and his manager headed into the hotel back to their hotel rooms. Luckily Jisung didn't have to share with any of the staff and so could call Minho late into the night.

"Night Jun-nim" Jisung waved to his manager who was a few doors down from him.

"Enjoy your evening" He gave a smile and a nod back before entering his respective room.

The idol managed to unlock his door first try and dropped his bag by his door and rushed and jumped on the newly made bed completely disregarding the random red roses and letter that he had now just squashed with his body. At the sound of something crumbling Jisung shifted himself around and his eyes widened as he suddenly noticed the rose petals and letter on the bed, not to mention the box of chocolates on his desk.

"What the-" Jisung frowned and picked it up and noticed the envelope.


Jisung smiled as he immediately realised it must be from his boyfriend, weird that he had sent a letter, especially as Jisung hadn't even told him what hotel he was staying in.

Pulling out the letter a few stray petals also fell out as well as a lollipop which Jisung immediately unwrapped and popped into his mouth as he read through the letter.

Hello Love,

I hope your tour is going well and you get to meet all your lovely fans as well as doing some sightseeing. I miss you a lot and miss your cute puffy face in the morning whenever you have a later schedule than me.

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