Chapter 13

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*:・゚✧  Dragonfruit tea with raspberry boba *:・゚✧ 

Jisung sat in his producing class half asleep, Chan and Changbin weren't there as they had gone to the rooftop at the top of college because they had managed to 'persuade' the lecturer into claiming the rooftop was a great place to brainstorm.
They had been there the past two days.

"Right class, you have a few more days until I'd like you to submit your tracks to me for grading, after that you'll get feedback for you to continue your work as well as starting up writing lyrics, but we will be having some lessons on that beforehand so don't stress yourselves over it" Mr Park mentioned.

Jisung let out a slight sigh at the thought of getting feedback especially before writing lyrics so he didn't have to worry about the possibility of having to change up everything.

At the ring of the bell the class began packing up their laptops and notebooks ready for lunch. Scooping up his laptop and shoving it in his bag unceremoniously Jisung rushed out the room in order to manage to get in the line before all the cheesecake had been taken which ended up happening every lunch.

Spotting Chan and Changbin walk through the crowd and lines Jisung ran to link up with them so he could secretly skip the queue. It wasn't his proudest moment but he would do anything for cheesecake.

As he reached the front he spotted Minho in black ripped jeans and an over sized grey jacket with a black bomber to finish it up. Of course there was a large gap between him and the next person and so Jisung slid in behind.

"Hyung" Jisung placed both hands on the boys shoulder to make him jump. The older boy jumped and quickly turned and Shot a glare at the person who had frightened him. Immediately his eyes soften when he made eye contact with the victim.

"Oh Sungie hey" Minho smiled lightly.

"You don't mind me joining on here do you?" Jisung said with a small pout in hopes to persuade the boy.

"You're already here aren't you?" Minho chuckled.

"That's true, but between me and you I was jumping for the cheesecake not you Hyung" Jisung grinned as his eyes laid set on the chocolate and raspberry cheesecake behind Minho's back.

"You could just text me I would've gotten it for you" 

Jisung looked back at Minho, "I didn't think about that"

Minho smiled and ruffle the boys head as he picked up a tray and went to order some food.
Jisung quickly followed. "Hi, could I get the cheesecake and then the special burger please"

Jisung paid and turned to go towards the table full of his friends, the same middle table they had always claimed. The boy went to turn to Minho about asking him something but the boy had already vanished.

Jisung furrowed his brows as he looked for the boy but quickly gave up after he heard Felix call him over to the group.

"Hey!" Jisung smiled and sat in between Seungmin and Chan.

"You should invite Minho over some time" Chan suggested looking up from his food to the new arrival.

Jisung looked over, "I was going to but he just vanished" The boy shrugged as he picked up his burger.

"Oh Felix you wanna work on some dance routines later? I need to clean up mine for next week" Hyunjin's voice was heard at the other end of the table.

Felix smiled brightly and nodded," sure! I don't have work today so I'm free"

At the mention of dance Jisung remembered what he needed to ask Minho. Pulling out his phone he clicked on his messages.

Min Hyung 💕

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