Chapter 24

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*:·゚✧   Passionfruit and Pineapple mix with tapioca *:·゚✧

Minho paced his room, he was undeniably stressed. Jisung had rung a couple more times the evening before but Minho had ignored them, he probably should've answered but he didn't even know what he would say to the boy.  Minho kicked Dori as he paced around his room not looking where he was going.

"Sorry, Dori" Minho let out a small sigh and stroked his cat. Dori didn't seem to be in the mood and scurried out of the room.

Minho huffed and collapsed onto his bed, maybe talking in person would be easier, at least he knew from Jisung's constant complaining the other day he knew the younger was working an extra shift today and could probably talk to him there.

The dancer rolled himself off his bed and shuffled downstairs to grab his jacket and shoes. If he remembered correctly Jisung's shift finished at around three, it was currently two-fifty, enough time to get there right when he finished.

"Oh Min you are going out?" Minho's mother called from where she was sitting watching a random reality TV series. 

"Hmm? O-oh yeah, I'm meeting up with Jisung" Minho gave a smile as he tied up his laces.

"If you want to eat round here just let me know and I'll cook some extra" his mother turned back to her programme not really waiting for an answer out of the boy.


Minho decided to drive to Bubbles so he would get there faster, the sun was shining and it was a warm day but he wasn't exactly in the mood to be swarmed by cameras at the moment especially after the post he saw.

Soon enough the boy had arrived at the bubble tea shop and he could see Jisung laughing at something with Mako whilst they chilled out, it wasn't busy at all. A couple of people were dotted around, someone doing work on a laptop and another couple chatting away to each other.

Minho pulled in and got out of his car, he pulled open the door and Jisung's head lifted from where he was fiddling with his phone.

A bright smile on his face.


Minho gave out a slightly forced smile, "Hey, Could I get a passionfruit and Pineapple mix with tapioca please" Minho tapped his card on the side of the counter as he read off the board.

"In or out?" Jisung bit his lip as he concentrated on making sure to tap in the correct stuff whilst Mako began making the tea.

"I'll have it out thanks, also as you aren't busy could we also talk outside real quick?" Minho asked, he really didn't want to talk about it in Jisung's workplace, especially whilst they had customers.

"Oh um sure? I mean I finish soon so if you're fine with waiting until my shift finishes? If I clock out early again my parents will most likely fire me" Jisung chuckled lightly as he let Minho pay for his drink.

"That's fine, I'll wait outside okay?" Minho nodded and gave thanks to Mako as she passed his drink over.

Jisung nodded and began cleaning up some of the tables as Minho went outside and leant against his car sipping on his drink.

It wasn't even five minutes until Jisung could finish, but it felt like an eternity. Minho struggled to think how he should even bring the topic up, he didn't want to start off annoyed with Jisung, but then that would be the quickest way to get it over with. He fiddled with the straw of his drink, pulling a face at the aftertaste of the bubble tea. Definitely not a combo he will be getting again anytime soon.

The sound of the shop door ringing made Minho lift his head and he saw Jisung now wearing a jumper over his work clothes and his apron was discarded.

"So what did you wanna talk about? It's not your dad again is it?" Jisung asked as he approached his boyfriend slightly worried.

"No it's umm..." Minho went to look up and make eye contact with the boy but faltered and looked back down at his drink.

"It's about you I guess" Minho looked up to see Jisung's reaction.

"M-me?" Jisung brows furrowed and he pointed to himself slightly confused," What about me?"

Minho let out a shaky breath to prepare himself," Is it..Is it true you used me for my connections?" Minho watched how Jisung's eyes widened, he took a step backwards.

"What..." Jisung stared at his boyfriend shifting on his feet.

Minho breathing became more unsure as he looked at Jisung, he began fiddling with the straw of his drink again.

"Is it true you're only dating me because I'm the CEO's son?" Minho looked up to gauge Jisung's reaction as he tried to push back the tears that were threatening to spill.

"I- what Min? Why are you saying this?" Jisung stepped forward wanting to take one of Minho's hands in his.

Minho shuffled away just slightly making Jisung stop his movements.

"Tell me Jisung" Minho gritted his teeth.

Jisung's jaw was left slack he was unsure what was even happening.

"I have no idea what makes you think that Minho" Jisung shook his head.

Minho looked up and let out an airy chuckle, "I knew it... how could I be so stupid"

Jisung tilted his head slightly confused at what Minho was getting at.

"Why would anyone date me for being me.. I get it Jisung.." Minho unlocked his car and walked around to his door and pulled it open before turning to Jisung.

"Wait Minho... what are you talking about?" Jisung went to grab the door his hand narrowly missing getting caught as the older boy began to pull it.

"You want to debut faster...that doesn't mean you have to string me along too"

Minho pulled the door shut without listening to Jisung.

"What... Min.." Jisung burst out tears flowing down his face, "I have no idea what you are talking about!" Jisung shouted at the car that was now pulling out of the shop's car park.

As Minho drove back home one thing kept replaying in his head, Jisung never denied it.

Han Jisung
We're Done Jisung.

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