Chapter 11

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*:・゚✧ Apple tea with cherry & passion fruit boba *:・゚✧

Jisung let out another sigh as he wiped down the dirty tables that had been left a mess after a group of kids had come to celebrate a birthday party. Luckily they had plastic cups and not glasses because they definitely had spilt the bubble tea everywhere.
Piling up the cups one on top of the other and collecting the paper straws and wrapping, Jisung carried them over to the bins behind the counter where Felix was wiping down.

"You still staying round tonight?" Jisung asked his twin as they tied up the rest of the bin to take them out.

"If it's still chill with you, I know your parents are home so if they are fine then I'm down" Felix smiled before grunting slightly as he lifted the heavy bags.

"Ahh yeah they are home, they'll be fine. They will probably be super excited that you are round, it's been a while since you stayed the night" Jisung pushed the backdoor open to the large metal bins.

Opening up the container the boys chucked in the bags and quickly rushed back inside as rain started to pour.

"Oh, Felix you're staying?" Jisung's mother spoke up as she was locking up.

"Oh, yeah if that's okay with you!" Felix smiled warmly as he grabbed his bag and jumper which he wore on the way in.

"It's no problem at all"

They all trampled upstairs into the Han apartment.

"We'll be in my room mum" Jisung grabbed Felix by the arm and pulled him away from the kitchen before he could grab food.

"But I want food" Felix whined lightly as he let himself get pulled away from the packet of crisps he had been eying up.

"Well, you can wait till later" Jisung lightly pushed Felix onto his bed as he went over to his tv to set up his console.

"Oooo Mario Kart! Mario Kart!" Felix gasped

Jisung rolled his eyes but inserted the game nevertheless. Grabbing the controls off the side and syncing them up he soon made himself comfortable next to Felix on the bed.

"What course are we starting on?" Felix asked as they selected their characters.
Felix going for Daisy and Jisung opting for Dry Bones.

"Peach beach? Then rainbow road" Jisung suggested as he flipped through the tracks.

The two lost track of time as they played race after race.
"Come on Ji, you are usually so much better than this" Felix whined at the fact there wasn't much of a competition because Jisung seemed to not be concentrating much on it.


Felix paused the track when Jisung came in 9th once again.

"Okay, what's up." Felix put down his and forced the remote out of Jisung's hand.

"Uh..the ceiling?" Jisung pointed upwards slightly confused at Felix's question.

Letting out a sigh the younger boy tapped on Jisung's head.
"What's going on up there"

"Too much" Jisung sighed and laid down on his bed. Felix was quick to follow.

"You wanna let some of it out?" Felix asked carefully.

Jisung played with his fingers picking at the nails. As one began ripping off he stopped and shifted on his side to look at Felix.

"There is one thing," he said almost in a whisper.

Felix stayed quiet and silently pushed Jisung to continue.

"I...well.... God, I don't know how to say this" Jisung sighed in frustration and ripped off the rest of his nail.

Bubbles ✔️ [Minsung]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat