Chapter 34

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*:·゚✧ The Han of a Kind (Han Jisung special drink) *:·゚✧

"No Dori, move" Minho nudged his cat with his foot as he tried to open up his bedroom door with his hands full of snacks and drinks. The grey cat let out a meow and continued to run around the dancer's legs as he attempted to pull down on his door handle to push it open.

With the use of his elbow and hip Minho managed to get the door unhinged and pushed it open.

Muttering about how annoying Dori was he made his way over to his bed and unceremoniously threw the food onto the bed and the drinks on his bedside table. His room was a tip. He had been so busy with work that he barely had any time to even think about picking up his dirty clothes and old crisps packets, let alone clean up his college books and notes that were littered over the floor, which were in pretty good condition considering Soonie and Doongie usually loved to nibble away at anything they could find.

He still had an hour until Jisung was done with his schedule and so quickly got to work cleaning up the disaster, putting on some music to bop along to as he did so. His first task was to get rid of all the rubbish that had slowly been piling up around his room.


Jisung let out a huff as he finished recording the dance practice for one of his new songs, it had taken him a few times to finally nail the whole song without making any mistakes and so he felt a bit sorry for all the staff who had to keep his makeup in check as well as getting him to recover quickly so they could do another full take of the performance.

"That's it for today Jisung" His manager walked up to him as the boy was chugging down a whole bottle of water and holding a mini fan up to his face to cool him down.

"I don't need to do another take?" Jisung perked up at being free from his schedule.

"Nope, it looks all good, your schedule for tomorrow starts at 11 am so make sure not to be late"

Jisung gave a firm nodded and pulled out his phone immediately to write down the times and to turn on an alarm so he knew he would wake up in time, luckily he was going to be round Minho's and didn't have to worry about getting up extra early to get from the college dorms to the company.

Giving a quick thank you and a goodbye to the remaining staff, Jisung rushed out of the doors of the dance practice room, he was supposed to meet Minho in an hour but he still had a few things to do.

"Hey, Jisung!" A voice called from down the hall as Jisung fiddled with his headphones to untangle them.

Looking behind to see who called he saw Beomgyu from TxT calling him. Jisung's eyes widened, he had forgotten they were under the same company, he had been so busy just with training he never really took notice of the actual idols in the company.

"Oh, Hello Sunbaenim" Jisung bowed politely as the boy caught up with him.

"No need to be formal! I just wanted to say I really enjoyed your cover of Crown on your live the other week!" Beongyu beamed.

Jisung blinked a few times as he was shocked at the compliment, "oh-uh thank you, Minho Hyung was far better than me" Jisung chuckled awkwardly, his hand coming to rub the nape of his neck as usual.

"Well, I was complimenting you Jisung, I'm sure Minho Hyung hears enough compliments about his dancing from you alone".

"That's true" Jisung let out a smile.

"I've got to go but we should go and get a meal sometime, Soobin has been wanting to meet you for a while but we've been too busy to finally chat to you," Beomgyu explained as he pulled out his phone and clicked away on it before passing it to Jisung.

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