Chapter 33

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*:·゚✧ Honeydew bubble tea with tapioca *:·゚✧

Jisung rolled over on the bed and huddled back into Minho's warmth as he heard the older boy's alarm ring out, Minho grumbled and moved his arm around to find his phone underneath his pillow where he left it the night before.

"Rise and shine, Ji" Minho croaked out.

"Noooo let me sleep" Jisung hid further into Minho's chest and pulled the covers up to his chin so he was nearly all covered up.

Minho chuckled and pulled Jisung up onto his chest full, "It's debut day though" Minho smiled widely as he saw Jisung slowly register what date it actually was and a sleepy smile appeared on his face.

"I still want to sleep though", Jisung mumbled before letting out a tired yawn as Minho pulled them both up on his bed so they were sitting upright at least.

"I would happily stay in bed all day as well but I have a lesson to teach" Minho pushed the fallen hair out of his face as he watched Jisung rub his eyes.

"You better at least watch my live" Jisung stretch his back letting his joints click before grabbing a blanket and wrapping it around his shoulders whilst he watched Minho climb out of his bed.

"Depends on the time, but you know I wouldn't miss it, besides isn't the music video to your debut song dropping later today?" Minho asked as he remembered how Jisung had gone back to his black hair for his debut, both the boys didn't want to say goodbye to the very faded blue but alas.

"Yeah.. also because our relationship is already public I don't have a dating ban" Jisung hummed as he watched Minho pick out some clothes to put on. Jisung then went over to the drawer he had designated himself in Minho's room which held spare clothes for whenever he stayed round. Most of it consisted of Minho's clothes that were either too small or Jisung stole, mostly the latter.

"Are you going to post about us all the time then" Minho raised a playful eyebrow along with a smirk.

Jisung let out a scoff, "Nah, don't want everyone to know what I do in my spare time. But I suppose I could boast about it" Jisung laughed after he also grabbed his towel to make his way to the shower.

"You better not use my shampoo, use your own, I brought it for a reason" Minho called as Jisung shut the door.


The couple climbed into a company car ready for their journey to TWave. It wasn't really necessary as Minho had always driven himself and Ji to the company. But now that the younger was debuting they didn't want fans to note down Minho's number plate and follow them.

"You excited Sungie?" Minho asked as he linked his hand with Jisung's who was sitting right beside him in the passenger seat.

"I think I'm more nervous, it made me realise that now I'm not going to get any privacy, and less so at college" Jisung gulped just thinking about how bad the crowds were now and how bad they will become.

"Trust me, you'll get used to it really quickly, and I'll be with you at college and when you're in TWave it's a lot more chill. Trainees will probably be scared to approach you and if they do they are usually friendly. And now other idols under TWave will approach you so just remember now you are an idol, not a trainee. The jump is big" Minho explained softly as they watched the streets pass by them.

"Everything feels like a blur, especially after the college performance, it was only a few weeks ago but it seems like yesterday" Jisung watched the surroundings outside pass.

"Tell me about it," Minho agreed, ever since the performance his dad had thrown him straight into work, he was working with some of the new trainees that had joined the teen section.

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