Chapter 2

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  *:・゚✧Jasmine tea with Tapioca Pearls *:・゚✧

After the last few weeks of work it was finally the day Jisung could start college. Packing up the bag he had recently brought with a notebook and his laptop and a few pens Jisung felt ready. Finally no more home schooling.

"Ji you best hurry!" Jisung heard his mother call as he was checking his hair one last. He wanted to make a good impression.

Despite only starting the college this year, Jisung had been placed in a class full of second years. He still wasn't sure why but he had received an email earlier in the week stating the change in his timetable.
Plugging in his headphones, Jisung grabbed an apple and began making his way to the unfamiliar college. As he walked down the fairly busy streets he could see the college at the end of the street and many students were hanging around the front of the gates.

It was extremely daunting walking through the gates of the new college, JYP college (wow original) was known for their performing arts section and Jisung still couldn't believe that he had even been accepted into the music program.

Checking the time on his watch Jisung noticed he had around ten minutes to find his way around. As he walked around the college he noticed a few people looking at him as he reached the floor for second years. They were probably thinking he had gotten lost and was in the wrong place. was he even in the right place?

Room 325 was nearer the end of the corridor and luckily the rooms were numbered and noticeable, Jisung couldn't even begin to imagine what would happen if he entered the wrong room.
Peaking into the room from the glass in the door it seemed to be a fairly small class as of right now.

Not really sure what to do Jisung knocked on the door and waited for the lecturer to answer. His hands were shaking and he became anxious over whether his new classmates would treat him okay. especially with him being younger than them.
The blue door opened briefly after Jisung knocked and a middle Aged man smiled warmly towards the nervous boy.

"Ahh you must be Han Jisung correct?"the black haired man asked.

Jisung nodded and managed to squeak out a yes despite his nerves.

"Brilliant, come on in, don't worry about introductions right now as we shall be doing that in the lesson, there's a seat at the back" the man pointed to a beanbag. That's when Jisung realised that their weren't any desks the room was filled with beanbags and cushions.

Was he in the right room?

Jisung took a deep breath and kept his eyes trailed on the ground as he walked back to the seat which was assigned to him. There was a boy with dirty blonde hair sitting in his left and no one on his right.

"Hi!" The boy smiled towards Jisung.

Jisung's smiled and gave a slight wave not really sure what to say.

"Right class, now we have everyone here, let's get started" the teacher spoke.

"I know many of you already know each other and what you are specialising in but I'd like to see what you've been working on during the summer"

Jisung gulped, he had to perform?! on the first day?! The lecturer could've at least given him a heads up, his anxiety began to bubble at the thought of performing in front of strangers.

"Chan and Changbin? You guys rap right?" The unnamed lecturer asked two boys who were at the front.

The boys seemed extremely confident as they stood up before immediately setting up. They did test mics and everything. They seemed so professional. Jisung was already engrossed in the way the boys silently set up and seemingly agreed on a track without communicating.

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