Special Chapter

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*:・゚✧ Bling Bling Boba Tea *:・゚✧

"One last show, are you ready?" Jisung's manager came up to him just as the boy was putting in his in-ears.

Jisung gave a small gulp and nodded. The crowds were huge, he wasn't expecting so many people to turn up but it was his fifth world tour. He was expecting crowds — but to sell out? Never in his right mind would he believe that.

"I'm good, ready." Jisung nodded as he was shown towards the stage entrance. He could hear his fans screaming along to one of his older songs waiting for him to appear.

After a quick check to see if Minho had messaged, he passed his phone over to one of the social media managers who always took the time to get footage for Jisung to then post on his Instagram after the concert had ended.

Minho was busy back in Seoul trying to sort out the new companies section to help grow a gateway from young talents to move into a trainee setting. It was hard work but his Dad had trusted his knowledge of dance to help run the section.

"No message yet?" Mia asked as she got his phone ready to film his entrance.

"Nah, it's fine, I knew he had a lot of meetings today." Jisung gave a square smile trying to not act disappointed. He'd been sent a photo of the cats wearing hats sitting next to a cake saying 'Last concert day' earlier though..

"I'll let you know if he messages during your breaks." Mia smiled as Jisung was called up to enter onto the stage. A deafening collection of screams engulfed Jisung as he stepped onto the stage.

- - - - - - -

"Put your foot down, come on!" Minho exclaimed to his driver as they finally hit a stretch of road with no traffic.

"I'm going the speed limit." His driver announced.

"I'll pay the fine, I need to get there quick, his plane apparently landed a few minutes ago." Minho stressed out as he tapped his fingers on the window sill.

"I think Jisung would rather see you slightly later than seeing you in a hospital bed huh?"

Minho grumbled an agreement about that but still couldn't rest. He wanted to surprise Jisung and it was not going to plan.

Instead of constantly asking how long they'd be and checking his phone for any signs of traffic, Minho ended up scrolling through Twitter. Looking at clips of Jisung's concert making sure he was up to date with what fun things had happened during the concert — mainly Jisung accidentally throwing his mic into the crowd.

Soon enough Minho was pulling into the airport, he was quick to jump out of the car, a sign folded up ready to greet Jisung, as well as a couple of guards.
He was quickly escorted over to the arrivals entrance. There was already a large crowd of people and cameras ready to film the Idol coming back from his world tour.

Minho felt his guards tighten up beside him, cameras had already panned over to him bright flashes blocking his vision on the occasion.

It wasn't long before a few passengers were trailing out of the entrance, Minho was quick to unfold his sign ready for Jisung to see.

- - - - -

Jisung let out another yawn as he walked off the ramp back into Seoul international airport.

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