Chapter 32

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*:·゚✧ Melon oolong booster with strawberry boba *:·゚✧

Jisung rushed up to the abandoned classroom in search of his boyfriend, Minho and Jisung had both been super busy preparing for the end of year performance and so for the last few weeks they hadn't had a chance to really hang out, and Jisung had been loaded with a lot of work from TWave regarding his debut, he was in the recording studio for most of the days he wasn't in college and had dropped his shifts at bubble so he was able to also focus on the performance at the college with 3Racha. Minho had been equally slaving away at his performance but also now that he was becoming an official teacher and choreographer for TWave he was preparing for 'interviews' which was really just him being assessed on his choreo skills and how well he could teach a class, ranging from all ages.

It was lunchtime, one of the only times the pair really saw each other whilst at college and so they always met in the same spot so they didn't waste any time in finding each other, they were also then away from peering eyes especially since Jisung's debut had officially been announced and so people were always badgering him and Minho especially.

Jisung made his way into the empty classroom and dropped his bag down onto a chair before fishing out his food, as he did so he could hear some music coming down the corridor. Someone was here?

Peaking out of the classroom to see if he was just imagining, the music was louder, stepping into the corridor Jisung slowly made his way towards the music, if he remembered correctly the last time he had come down this far was when he was searching for Minho hyung and he found an empty room with a speaker. Logically speaking, that's probably what the music was.

As he started to get closer he spotter Minho dancing, hard and powerful, it was also very fast and looked confusing.

Jisung leant against the door as he watch what seemed to be the ending of Minho's dancing.

He smiled brightly and clapped loudly which made Minho snap his head to the door, his eyes widened and he rushed to stop the music.

"Ho-how long were you standing there for?" Minho said out of breath and seemed very worried.

"Just for the ending, it looked really good hyung!" Jisung smiled brightly as he saw Minho's face relax slightly.

Minho gave a square smile and collected his bag and water as well as his jumper.

"Did you have a good practice?" Minho asked as Jisung took his hand and led them to the classroom.

"Yup! It was good, Chan hyung gave me some really good pointers and I have finally gotten the lyrics down, thank goodness otherwise Changbin hyung would probably hit me round the head with the lyric sheets." Jisung chuckled as he walked over to his bag, Minho following closely behind him as he took a seat on one of the chairs and grabbed out his own lunch. Since Jisung had moved to his new accommodation Minho had made sure to go round and cook for both of them a lot, which also meant cooking food for their lunch, he had also occasionally cooked food for Jeongin, who could say no to him?

"Was that the dance for your performance?" Jisung asked as he bit into one of his onigiris.

"Yeah, it's still nowhere near perfect though and the performance is tomorrow" Minho sighed and rubbed the side of his head.

"Min, I'm sure it's perfect don't put too much pressure on yourself for it, it's meant to be a fun performance!" Jisung nudged his boyfriend lightly with his shoulder.

"I suppose, but my dad told me he's coming to watch which makes it a big deal. He's never come to watch one of my performances since I joined TWave.. And now he's coming to watch this one. I have a feeling it's about me actually getting a job there, probably assessing me or something" Minho slouched in his chair rubbing his head.

Bubbles ✔️ [Minsung]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora