Chapter 27

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*:·゚✧ Kefir and Pineapple Tea *:·゚✧

Minho looked down at his phone and saw the missed call from Jisung, every morning the boy would call him, hoping for a response. Minho felt bad about leaving it to ring through, he really did want to talk to him but not over the phone. This is why Minho was currently in the queue at Bubbles hoping to talk to Jisung.

Scrolling aimlessly throughout his social media's nothing really takes his fancy apart from a video of a cute cat rolling around on a bed. As the line shortened the dancer glanced up to pick out a drink as he did so he spotted Hyunjin standing up from where he was sitting. Did he come to Bubbles often?

"Hey Minho, what can I get you?" Felix smiled as Minho reached the counter.

"First can I speak with Jisung and also can I get-" Minho went back to check the menu before deciding on his boba.

"Oh, Minho hyung hey!" Minho turned and came to face Hyunjin who had spotted the older when he entered.

"Hyunjin" Minho turned back to Felix to continue ordering.

"I'll get a-" Minho started before he was interrupted my Hyunjin.

"Oh don't worry! I wanted to hang out with you so I'll buy you a drink later" Hyunjin rushed out and grabbed Minho by the wrist and began to pull him away.

"Yah! Hyunjin!" Minho tried to pull his arm out of the boy's strong grip, as he got dragged he heard the door to the side open and he was met with  Jisung carrying a box filled with straws and cups.

Minho's breath hitched as he noticed Jisung had dyed his hair an electric blue, it was messy from his work which unfairly made him look cute but hot at the same time. The two made eye contact and Jisung looked like he was about to say something but Minho saw that his eyes spotted Hyunjin pulling Minho away. He let out a sigh and went behind the counter just as Minho got pulled out the door.

"Yah! Hwang Hyunjin!" Minho shouted as he finally got away from Hyujin's deathly grip, he rubbed his wrist as it let out a sore hum.

"Come on Hyung, let's go!" Hyunjin smiled and reached for Minho's arm again. Minho promptly stepped back, "What the hell Hyunjin?! Couldn't you see I was busy.." Minho crossed his arms in frustration.

"How was I supposed to know" Hyunjin gave a shrug, "I really did want to hang out with you though"

Minho scoffed and rolled his eyes, "Why would I want to hang out with you? I have a relationship I need to go and fix... Or at least find out the truth about."

"Well you can do that later, The arcade finally got DDR and I want to play with someone but no one else is good and obviously Felix is working today" Hyunjin grabbed Minho's arm and began pulling him again.

"I didn't even say yes to this..." Minho complained as he reluctantly let himself get pulled- he would be lying if he didn't want to try our the DDR game, he had seen them installing it just the other day when he walked past it.

"What song do we want to do?" Hyunjin rushed up to the machines and pushed in his coins whilst Minho followed shortly behind.

"I'm only doing one song, so you can pick" Minho let Hyunjin go wild and scroll through the song selection with ease.

"Okayy...let's do this" Hyunjin smiled widely at his song choice. Pompeii by Bastille began playing out of the speaker.

"I barely even know this song" Minho whined slightly as he got into his position ready to dance. "Well, I offered" Hyunjin bounced and shook out his legs before immediately beginning the dance.

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