Chapter 3: Arriving at Alcatraz, and the shower room

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The helicopters fly over the ocean. Two of the escort choppers back off as the lead chopper continues onward. It flies in blind and undercover. In the control room of the prison, Pete is looking at the computer with the marine. 

Pete: Hey, one just disappeared off-screen!

Marine: (Contacts Hummel) We just lost one, sir. We just lost one. We only got 2 flying, and we just lost one. 

In the chopper, the seals, Stanley, Mason, and the heroes are getting ready to dive into the water. Winter exhales as she puts on the diving gear. Stanley is having trouble with his oxygen tank. He's letting out the oxygen from it. Mason helps him out.

Mason: In my day, we did it all with a snorkel and a pair of flippers. 

Stanley: Your day? 

Mason: Yes. Didn't you read my resume? 

Stanley: I don't--I don't know anything about you.

Sora: Neither do we. 

Mason: I know something about you both, Godspell and Sun. 

Stanley: Goodspeed.

Sora: And my name is Sora. 

Mason: Goodspeed, godspeed, godspell. You never went to any antiterrorist school, so just mare sure you don't get us all freaking killed. (Looks at Sora) And your name, Sora. It's the name of the sun in Japanese. Be sure to remember that. 

Pilot: (Looks back) We're going down. 

Anderson: Night vision! 

The lights inside the chopper turn blue. Everyone looks, and gets ready. 

Winter: Alright, you guys. This is it. Once we're on the island, we have to be quiet. 

Weiss: Winter's right. We can't let them know we're here. 

Anderson: Prepare to deploy! 

Pilot: Good luck, Commander. 

The hatch opens up as the chopper hovers over the water. Everyone holds onto the SDUs. 

Seal: Everyone good to go?

All: Good to go!

Everyone puts on their goggles and the light turns green. They all push the SDUs in the water, and everyone dives in. They all zoom through the water, heading for the island. On the island, Pete is looking out the window. Hummel contacts him. 

Hummel on radio: Captain Pete, I want you to join the patrol to the west end of the island. 

Pete: Yes, sir. 

Pete walks out of the room to join the patrol. He picks up a rifle. In the water, the seals and heroes are still zooming through the water. They're now at the island. They find an old pipe that leads into the prison. Mason points at it, and they all swim through it. They reach the surface, and they see they're in the old cistern room. Everyone climbs out of the flooded pipe, and remove their diving gear. Everyone looks around. 

Yang: Uh, Commander? I don't see an exit in here. 

Anderson: I can see that. (To Mason) Thank you very much, Mr. Mason. You've led us into a room with no exit. 

Kai: Wait! Here's a door. 

Kai walks to the door, and tries to open it. He bangs on it softly.

Kai: I can't open it. It's sealed from the other side. 

Anderson: Any ideas, Dillinger? 

Dillinger: Figure it out, sir. We're sitting ducks. 

Riku: He's right. We're all tight on time. It won't be long until they find us here. 

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