Chapter 24: Battle for Yavin 4

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Scene from Kingdom Hearts: Star Wars, Episode 4: A new Hope.

The X-Wings and Y-wings all fly out of the base, and head for space to go to the Death Star. Back in the base, Leia, C-3PO, Kairi, Namine, Inuyasha, Miroku, Sango, Kagome, Kikyo, Shippo, Kaede, Kohaku, Kaname, Jeremy, Aelita, Miki, and Velvet walk into the operations room, and they look at the giant display. It shows the planet Yavin and its four moons. A red dot on it represents the Death Star. It moves around the planet on a series of green dots. 

Chatter: Standby alert. Death Star approaching. Estimated time to firing range, 15 minutes. 

Everyone looks at each other, and back at the display. They pray for the fighters to stop it in time. Meanwhile in space, the X-Wings and Y-Wings fly away from the moon, and head for the Death Star. 

Red Leader: All Wings, report in. 

Pilot: Red 10 standing by.

Pilot: Red seven standing by.

Biggs: Red three standing by.

Pilot: Red six standing by. 

Pilot: Red nine standing by. 

Pilot: Red two standing by. 

Pilot: Red 11 standing by. 

Luke: Red five standing by.

Sora: Red four standing by.

Riku: Red eight standing by. 

Michiru: Red 12 standing by.

Jaune: Red 13 standing by. 

Ruby: Red 14 standing by.

Winter: Red 15 standing by.

Kai: Red 16 standing by.

Momo: Red 17 standing by. 

The rest of the ships report in. Sora hears R2 beeping on the radio. He shakes his head while smiling. 

Red leader: Lock s-foils in attack position. 

All X-Wings go into attack positions as they fly towards the space station. 

Red leader: We're passing through the magnetic field. Hold tight. Switch your deflectors on. Double front. 

Everyone works on the controls as their ships shake a little. Sora sweats a little, but keeps going. They're now getting closer to the space station. 

Red two: Look at the size of that thing! 

Red leader: Cut the chatter, Red two. Accelerate to attack speed. 

They fly in faster. Sora flies in with Riku, Roxas, Donald, and Yang. 

Sora: We're coming in right now, Red leader.

Red leader: This is it, boys and girls. 

Pilot: Red leader, this is Gold leader. 

Red leader: I copy, Gold leader. 

Gold Leader: We're starting for the target shaft now. 

Red leader: We're in position. I'm gonna to cut across the axis...and try and draw their fire. 

The X-Wings all fly down on the surface while the Y-Wings stay back. As they fly on the surface, guns and turrets start firing at them, trying to hit them. They evade them with speed. Donald and Goofy's X-Wings are seen, dodging lasers from a turret. Back at the Rebel base, they hear the chatter on the comms. 

Comms: Heavy fire, boss, 23 degrees. 

Red leader on comms: I see it. Stay low.

Back at the battle, the X-Wings continue dodging the lasers as they fly. Sora flies in fast to avoid the lasers. 

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