Chapter 22: Reunion with Nancy and Quentin, facing Freddy

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Scene from Kingdom Hearts: A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors.

The heroes are all sleeping in the Gummi ship, trying to avoid dreaming about Freddy, for they know that he's back, and he'll be ready for them to fall asleep. In their bed, Sora and Kairi are sound asleep. Sora lays on the covers, while Kairi is laying under them. Sora is shaking a little as he sleeps. Just then, they both wake up. They both look around, and sighs. Just then, they hear children screaming. They look around, but can't see anything. They get out of bed, and walk through the room. 

Sora: Where are you, Freddy? We know you're here! Come out!

They back away towards the door, but as they do, the door suddenly close on them as they leave the room. And to their horror, they're back in the house again. They look around the place, and see that it's completely rotten, and abandoned. They keep their eyes open for Freddy, in case he tries to ambush them. They walk into the kitchen, and to their shock, they see bodies, familiar bodies. 

Kairi: Tina, Kerry, Carrie, Lisa...

Sora: Rob, Dean, Glen, Grady, Bret, Jesse...Oh, gosh...

Then, they hear a familiar scream. They both rush to the front door, and see Kristen, trying to open the door to get out, but can't. 

Kairi: Kristen.

She turns around, and sees them walking to them. 

Kristen: Sora. Kairi. You're here again. 

Sora: Yeah. Alright, look. Stick close to us. We'll protect you.

Kairi: Where's your brother?

Kristen: He's okay, but I don't think he's asleep. I hope he's not. 

They walk into the living room, where a table is at. They all look at the table, and see a cooked pig on the table. Sora and the girls look at it, and suddenly look in disgust as it suddenly changes from fresh to rotten. Flies buzz as they fly around it. Just then, it snarls at them. They all scream as they jump back. They move away from it, and walk into another room. It's all dark as they walk in. Then, the lights in the room turn on. They see that they're in an actual living room. 

Sora: This must be where the living room used to be before they changed it.

Kairi: Yeah. Wait. (Senses something) Sora, he's in here with us...

Kristen is getting scared as they look around the place. Then all of a sudden, something moves from underneath the floor and carpet. Kristen and Kairi scream in fear as this see this. Sora keeps them back as it moves around them. On the floor, and on the walls, making huge cracks in the walls. And then it stops. Everything in the room is quiet, and they all look around the room to see if Freddy is still in here with them. Just then, something erupts from under Kristen. She screams as she goes up in the air, and she lands on the floor. Sora and Kairi turn around, and see a giant snake creature, with Freddy's head. Kristen is screaming as it begins to swallow her. 

Sora: Kristen! 

Kairi: No!

They both rush in, and grab her to pull her away from him. They both pull hard as they can, but he's too strong. Kristen is screaming as she grabs their arms tight. 

Sora: We got you, Kristen! We won't let you go!

Kristen: (Screaming, whimpering) Nancy! Quentin! 

Back in the real world, Quentin is on his seat, resting his eyes. Suddenly, he wakes up after hearing someone calling his name. He looks around, for he knows that voice.

Quentin: Kristen? 

He looks around for her, but doesn't see her. Then suddenly, something pulls him out of his seat. He yells as he flies at his wall, and he disappears as he goes through it. And then, he appears through the living room's wall, landing on the floor. Nancy comes through a mirror and lands beside him. They both lay on the floor, and then they hear Kristen screaming. They both look up, and see her being swallowed by Freddy, with Sora and Kairi trying to help her. 

Nancy: No!

Nancy gets up as she picks up a glass shard, and runs to them. Quentin joins her as she stabs Freddy's left eye with the shard. It roars in pain as it lifts up its head, and lets Kristen go. She falls on the floor, and they all help her up. Sora and Kairi see Nancy and Quentin, and are shocked to see that they're actually still alive, thinking that Freddy might have killed them. 

Sora: Nancy. Quentin. 

They see them, and nod at them. Freddy lifts up while shaking his head as his left eye is bleeding. He looks around with his right eye, and he spots them. He sees that Nancy and Quentin are with them as they look at him. 

Freddy: (Glares) You two. 

Quentin: Surprised to see us, Freddy?

Nancy: Oh, my gosh. Run! 

They all run out of the room as Freddy lunges at them. They close the door, and hold it as he tries to break through. Nancy looks at Kristen.

Nancy: Get us back out, Kristen! Do it now!

Quentin: She's right! Get us outta here!

Kristen focuses, and then, she pulls everyone out of the dream before Freddy destroys the door. Quentin gasps as he wakes up. He looks around, and stands up. He sighs as he rubs his head, knowing that he's back to dealing with Freddy once again, and this time, he needs to save kids' lives, including Sora and his friends. On the Gummi ship, Sora and Kairi wake up from their nightmare too. They both sit up, and look around. Sora grunts angrily, knowing that Freddy is at it once again, and now he knows that Nancy and Quentin are still alive, and are back to help out. They must find a way to defeat this dream demon once and for all before more kids fall victim to his nightmares. 

Here's the sneak peak of Kingdom Hearts: A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors. Yep, looks like Sora and Kairi got themselves in the old house again that once belonged to Nancy and Jesse. And Freddy obviously showed them the bodies of their fallen friends from their visits in that world, to make them feel broken for not saving them in time. And they meet Nancy and Quentin once again. Can they defeat Freddy once and for all? Find out on Kingdom Hearts: A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors. Let me know what you all think of the chapter. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you.  

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