Chapter 11: Hive contact

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Scene of Kingdom Hearts: Aliens in Season 2

The APC arrives at the atmosphere processor. The heroes arrive there too on their monsters. They call back their monsters as the doors to the processor opens. The APC drives inside with the heroes following from behind. The doors close behind them. The APC drives down the corridor, and then it stops. The Marines all get out of the APC, and they look around. 

Gorman on radio: I want a straight "V" deployment, second team on left flank. Advance on axial 664. Tracker on line. Set the "V" gain to filter R.F. ambient. 

Apone: Hudson, tracker on line. Left and right, little buddy. 

Sora: Alright, guys. This is it. We need to find the survivors and get out. 

They all move down the corridor, and look around.

Gorman on radio: Forty meters in, bearing 221, there should be a stairwell. 

They look around, and find the stairwell. 

Apone: Check. Got it. 

Gorman on radio: You want Sublevel 3. 

Apone: Let's go, people. Hudson, Riku, you got the point. Hicks, Sora, watch our tails. 

Sora: Yes, sir.

Riku: Roger that. 

Apone: Nice and easy. Check those corners. Check those corners. 

They all go down the stairwell, being careful. 

Gorman on radio: Watch your spacing. 

Apone: Alright. You heard the man. Don't bunch up. Stay loose. 

Kai: Don't worry about us, sir. We know what we're doing. 

Gorman on radio: Uh, your transmission's showing a lot of breakup. 

Hudson: Probably getting some interference from the structure. 

Riku: Oh man. That's the one thing we don't want to hear right now. 

Apone: Use those lights. 

The teams turn on their lights as they go down the steps. Sora looks at his friends, and they all know that this is gonna be like what happened the last time they faced these things. 

Gorman on radio: Next one down, and proceed on a 216. 

Apone: Uh, roger. That's a 216. 

Then, the heroes' eyes widen in shock as they see something shocking. The walls and pipes are all covered with the same thing that the aliens covered the ships that they were on back then. 

Gorman on radio: I'm not making that out too well. What is it, Hudson? 

Hudson: You tell me, man. I only work here. 

Jaune: It looks like the same stuff we found on the alien spaceship. And the same on Sevastopol Station. 

Donald: Yeah.

Sora: (Talks to Ripley on radio) Ripley, you seeing this? 

Ripley on radio: Yeah, I am. 

Gorman on radio: Proceed inside. 

Apone signals Drake and Vasquez to go in first. Then everyone follows after them. They all look around as they move in. 

Riku: Jeez. Everything is covered with this stuff. 

Apone: Watch your fire and check your targets. Remember we're looking for civvies in here. 

Winter: Yes, sir. 

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