Chapter 45: Prologue

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Opening scene for Kingdom Hearts: Turok.

In the cryo-pods, the heroes are sleeping inside them. And then they begin to wake up as the pods open up. They all step out of the pods, yawning and strenching out their legs and arms. 

Sora: (Groans) Man.

Riku: Morning. 

Ren: Jeez. I feel like I've been sleeping on a rock. 

Nora: I think we have been, Renny. 

Kai: But I guess it beats of just sleeping on chairs. 

They hear someone coming. They all look, and see Cole coming in with Lewis. They both stand in front of the heroes, and look at them.

Cole: Good morning, troops. You're the last ones to come out of cryo with the rest of the men. Follow me to the briefing room. 

They all follow them to the briefing room, where the rest of Whiskey Company are at. They walk through the door, and inside are the Company. They're all waiting for the Captain to come in. 

Lewis: Officer on deck!

The heroes stand on the side as Cole looks at the soldiers. 

Cole: Alright, Ladies. We only got 30 minutes until we touchdown. So I'm only gonna say this once.

He shows them an image of a man on screen.

Cole: Our target is Roland Kane, leader of the Legendary Wolfpack. Three years ago, Kane went AWOL. No one's seen or heard from him since. We've tracked him down on the colony in the planet below. Now, what they're doing there is not our concern. Our mission is simple: Find Kane, and bring him back to earth, period. 

The soldiers just nod, and some give fist pumps to each other, looking ready to get the job done. 

Cole: Now, I want you all to meet Sora and his group. 

The soldiers all look at the heroes, who look at them. A soldier name Gonzales looks at them.

Gonzales: Sora? (Chuckles) 

Sora: (Looks at him) You think my name is funny to you?

Cole: Gonzales, shut up!

Riku keeps Sora back as he frowns at them. 

Cole: Sora and his group were selected to us because of their fighting skills, and we've seen what they all can do. Now, they'll be assisting us to capture Kane. Sora, this is Whiskey Company. Lewis here is my squad leader. That's Henderson, my sergeant. And here are my corporals, Logan, Cowboy, Slade, Gordon, Hope, and Deak. And my private first classes, Reese, Jericho, Parker, Carter, Shepherd, Foster, Gonzales, Slater, Matthews, and Tompkins. I'm sure you'll get along with them well, once you all get to know them. 

The heroes just look at them, and nod at them. 

Cole: Alright. Now, I want you to meet Turok. 

Everyone looks at the new guy they have with them. Corporal Joseph Turok. 

Gonzales: (Whispers) Turok? (Covers his laugh) 

Cole: Turok's here to help us track Kane down. He's a former member of Wolfpack.

Slade: (Looks at him) Yeah, before he screwed them over.

Cole: Slade, can it!

Slade: (Pushes him away) He can't be trusted. (Walks away) 

Cole: Alright, meeting's over. Let's get ready to roll. 

They all leave the room to go get ready. Deak walks up to the heroes.

Deak: Sora, you and your friends are with me. Follow me. I'll lead you to the armory. 

They all follow him to the armory. They see Turok is following Jericho to the armory their way. They follow him to the stairs, and they go the armory. They see that they've getting the weapons ready to be use, with the ammo. Shotguns, pistols, machine guns, flamethrowers, rocket launchers, and sniper rifles. Turok and Jericho arrive there too. Logan hands out weapons. 

Logan: Cole wants me to run you through some of the gear we'll be using once we get planetside. Ever use one of these? (Hands Turok a gun)

Turok: (Cocks it) Once or twice. 

Logan: (Looks at the heroes) How about you? Ever use these?

Sora: Most of the time.

Kai: Yeah. 

Jaune: We know how to handle weapons.

Winter: No need to help us. 

Just then, the alarm goes off. Everyone looks around.

Man on speaker: All hands, brace for impact! Incoming missile! Brace for impact! 

Logan: Oh, shoot. 

Ruby looks outside, and she sees the missile coming at them from the planet. It hits the cruiser, causing explosions. Then all heck breaks loose. Doors are closing as air vacuum erupts from holes on the ship. Everyone is running through the ship, trying to escape the explosion on the ship. The heroes all get separated as they run. The soldiers are all screaming and shouting as the ship is now falling apart. Sora is running with Turok and Kairi. Logan and Deak are running with them, but they fall down the ladder. They continue running through the ship as explosions erupt all around them. Sora holds onto Kairi, and she hugs him as they both get hit by the explosion, and scene goes black. The broken ship is now falling down planet side. 

Here's the sneak peak and opening to Kingdom Hearts: Turok. Coming soon. I'm sorry this was short, but I'm trying to get to the Alien story. I hope you'll all understand. I'm still having studying for my driving test. Let me know what you all think of the chapter. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you.  

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