Chapter 16: We hit nothing

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Just then, the girl picks up a branch, and hits Poncho in the head with it. He falls down, and she makes a run for it. Jaune jumps at her to try and stop her, but he misses. Everyone sees this. Dutch whistles to Hawkins, and he goes after her. Sora nods at Blake to go help him. She runs after them. They both run as fast as they can to catch up with the girl. They go around to head her off. Then, they both jump at her, and tackle her down to the ground. She starts shouting in Spanish as they hold her. 

Hawkins: Please. Please!

Blake: Please, stop! We don't want to hurt you, please!

She stops shouting, and looks at them. They both look back at her. Just then, she hears growling, and looks to her left. They both follow her gaze, and suddenly see something coming at them. Blake sees it's some kind cloaked figure. It slams its hand onto Hawkins' throat. He screams as blood spills all over the girl and Blake. Hawkins falls down as both girls are in shocked at this. Blake watches as the cloaked figure suddenly carries Hawkins away behind the bushes and leaves. She starts gasping as it disappears out of sight with Hawkins. Then, Poncho and William show up. Poncho grabs the girl, and holds her up. William checks on Blake. He and Poncho see that they're both covered in blood. 

William: Blake? (To Poncho) This isn't their blood. (To Blake) Blake, what the heck happened? Where's Hawkins?

Blake looks at him, and she turns her gaze to her left. They both follow her gaze, and they find a blood trail and drag marks that leads away. 

William: Blake, stay here with her.

They both follow the trail. They find Hawkins' gun, and his radio. William looks at them, and they continue following the trail. They move some leaves out of the way, and they find something very sick. They find blood organs and intestines on the ground. They both almost lose their lunches, but held them back. Back with Blake is, the rest of the team and the heroes come running in. 

Dutch: Billy, break left. Mac, right. Sora, with me!

Sora: Got it!

They check on Blake, and the girl. They all see that they're both covered in blood. 

Ruby: Blake...?

Dutch: What the--? (Checks them) This isn't their blood. 

Dillon: What the heck did you both do to him?

Blake: We didn't do anything...

Yang: Dillon, back off! Blake couldn't have done this! 

Then, William and Poncho come back. William puts down Hawkins' radio and gun. 

Poncho: Major, you'd better take a look at this.

Dutch: You find Hawkins? 

William: We-- We can't tell.

Both Sora and Dutch look at Dillon with confusion in their eyes. They both stand up, and walk over to them.

Sora: What do you mean you can't tell?

William: Come look. 

They lead them to where they find the organs. Both Sora and Dutch look in shock. Insects are buzzing around it. 

Dutch: What in the world? 

Poncho: I think it's Hawkins. 

Dutch: Where the heck is his body? 

Poncho: There's no sign of it. 

Sora: Blake and the girl saw what happened to him. Ask them. 

They both walk back to where the group. Poncho walks to the girl, and speaks in Spanish to her, asking her what happened to Hawkins. She's still shocked. 

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