Chapter 41: Our last chance

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Scene for Kingdom Hearts: The Lost World: Jurassic Park.

The heroes and Ian arrive at Hammond's home. Ian knocks on the door, and they wait. A few moments later, a butler comes to the door. He sees them, and opens the door for them. 

Butler: Whom shall I tell Mr. Hammond is calling?

Ian: Uh, Ian Malcolm. Me and my friends have been summoned. 

The butler nods, and lets them in. They all walk in as the clock bell strikes in the mansion. The butler closes the door, and walks away. The heroes and Ian walk further in as they all look around the place. They hear classical piano playing somewhere. 

Sora: Wow. Hammond's really a rich man to live here. 

Just then, they hear a door closing upstairs. They all look up, and see two young kids coming downstairs. Two kids they know. It's Hammond's grandkids, Lex and Tim, the two survivors from Jurassic Park.

Sora: Lex?! Tim?!

Tim: (Sees them) Sora! Dr. Malcolm! Guys!

The kids run down the stairs to greet them. They both hug Ian and the heroes. 

Ian: Gosh-- Oh, my gosh!

Lex: Hello, Dr. Malcolm! 

Ian: (Hugs them) Kids! Kids!

Winter: Lex! Tim! My goodness, you've both grown!

Lex: It's so great to see you.

Sora: It's great to see you both too. How have you both been?

Lex: We've been good. 

Ian: It's so great to see you. It's so great-- Look at you.

Weiss: Four years, and you've both young adults now. 

Tim: You all came to see grandpa? 

Ian: Yeah, yeah. H-h-he called me. I ran into Sora and his friends, and invited them to see him. Do you know what it's about? I don't either. This joint's kinda creepy, isn't it? 

Both Lex and Tim have frown looks on their faces. The heroes look concerned about this.

Ian: Is everything okay?

Lex: Well, not exactly. 

Winter: Why? What's going on? Is Mr. Hammond okay?

Tim: Well, he's fine, but...

Just then, they all hear footsteps. They all turn around, and see five people coming down, holding some stuff while chattering. Ian sees this, and sighs. One of the men sees them as he walks downstairs. 

Winter: Oh, no...

Sora: What?

Winter: That's Peter Ludlow, John's nephew. 

Ludlow: Well, Dr. Malcolm. And Miss Schnee. Here to share a few campfire stories with my uncle?

He walks over to two more people, who take out papers. Both Ian and Winter walk up to him. 

Ian: you can convince the Washington Post and the Skeptical Inquirer of whatever you want, but me and my friends were there, we know what happened, and so do you. 

Ludlow: Do you actually believe that everyone who chose discretion...did so for nefarious motives? Even Lex and Tim? Including your sister and her friends, Miss Schnee? Along with Dr. Grant's son, and Mr. Muldoon's daughter?

Winter: Leave them out of it! It's not a game. 

Ludlow: No, it isn't. You both signed a nondisclosure agreement before you both went to the island...that expressly forbade you from discussing anything you all saw. You violated that agreement. 

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