Chapter 29: Semper Fi

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Scene for Kingdom Hearts: Call of Duty: World at War.

Everything is all blurry for Riku to see. He groans, and shakes his head. He opens his eyes and everything starts clearing up. He's in a small hut, with two American men. He just remembers. He and his friends arrived in the past during World War 2. Riku is the first to come down to see if there is any Heartless activity. But as he arrives on an island, he suddenly gets hit in the back of his head, and everything goes black. Now, he wakes up, and he's tied up from behind. He's in the hut with two American prisoners. They're soldiers. One of them is badly beaten. The other only has minor injuries. Just then, two Japanese soldiers come in, and they interrogate the Americans. So, they haven't said anything, which led them to get beaten again. A Japanese officer smokes as he looks at the one with minor buises. His partner is hitting the other one with a metal stick, making him bleed. 

Japanese officer: You think because you say are strong? 

The prisoner still doesn't say anything. The officer gets up, and walks to his partner. He speaks in Japanese to him. The badly wounded soldier looks at his friend. 

American: Don't tell them a freaking thing!

The officer grabs him by his chin, and makes him look at him. He speaks in Japanese at him. The soldier looks at him, and spits blood in his face. The officer wipes the blood off his face. Then, he grabs him by the back of his head, and takes out his cigar. He looks at the soldier, and thrusts the cigar into his left eye. The soldier screams in agony as his eye gets burned. He stops, and lets him go. He then looks at Riku. Riku looks back at him. He kneels down to him. 

Japanese officer: You boy. Tell me, why are you here?

Riku: I'm not a soldier. I'm just a boy. I came here by accident. I don't know why I am.

Japanese officer: Likely story. You're probably a little spy.

American: The boy knows nothing! He's not even part of the outfit! Let him go!

The one who was hitting him kicks him in the chest to shut him up. Riku glares at the officer, who just looks at him. He stands up, and is now walking out the door. He looks at his partner, and speaks to him in Japanese. His partner bows to him, and takes out a knife in his left boot. He walks to the wounded soldier. He grabs him by the head.

American: Go to heck. 

Then, the soldier slits his throat. He chokes as blood spills out of his neck. The soldier kills the body down. Then, he walks to the other soldier, who tries to back away, but he grabs him. He speaks to him in Japanese as he's about to cut his throat too. Riku struggles to get free, but then, a miracle happens for both of them. Another American soldier runs up behind him, and stabs him through the back. He screams as he gets stabbed. He falls down dead. The man who saved them is now untying the soldier and Riku.

Soldier:'re okay. Thank god! We're gonna make them pay for what they've done!

Riku looks at him. He looks outside, and sees some troops coming everywhere. They also take down the Japanese officer, by choking him with a rifle. He falls down dead. 

Soldier 2: Scummers!

Riku sees more American troops coming in by boat. The man who choked the officer looks at Riku.

Soldier 2: Who is this?

Miller: A young boy who was caught on the island by the Japs. They thought he was a spy, but he's not. He didn't even know where he was. 

Soldier: Who are you, son?

Riku: My name is Riku. I'm just a boy. Who are you guys?

Soldier 2: I'm Sergeant Sullivan. This is Corporal Roebuck. You've already met Private Miller.

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