Chapter 51: Jason's out there

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Scene for Kingdom Hearts: Friday the 13th part 2

Later that night, everyone is sitting outside, by a campfire, roasting marshmallows. Sora and his friends are sitting with them. 

Paul: I don't want to scare anyone, but I'm gonna give it to you straight about Jason. Kenny, help me out here.

Kenny: Got it. 

Everyone listens as they look at them.

Paul: His body was never recovered from the lake after he drowned. If you listen to the old-timers, they'll tell you he's still out there. Some sort of demented creature, surviving in the wilderness. Full-grown by now. Stalking. Stealing what he needs, living off wild animals and vegetation. Some folks claim they've even seen him, right in this area. 

Kenny: Yeah. You see, you all remember my old friend, Adam? Well, he and the girl, Alice, the only two who survived that night at Camp Blood, that Friday the 13th, they claim they saw him. Along with Sora and his friends. 

Everyone looks at Sora and his friends. They look down. 

Kenny: Jason's mother, Mrs. Voorhees, it turned out she was the cause. She killed the two original kids that worked at the camp, because she blamed them for her son's drowning. And when the camp was being rebuilt, and reopening, she went nuts again. She started killing them all one by one, until only Adam and Alice were left alive. They managed to get her, and live to see another day. But...then...

Paul: They both disappeared two months later.

Sora: What?

Kairi: Alice and Adam vanished?

Paul: Yeah. Vanished. Blood was everywhere. No one knows what happened to them. 

Kenny: The cops looked everywhere, and they couldn't find them anywhere. It was like they just disappeared completely. And that was five years ago. But the freaky thing is, that Mrs. Voorhees' son, Jason...he came back that night. 

Paul: Legend has it that Jason saw his mother beheaded that night, and he took his revenge. A revenge that he'll continue to seek if anyone enters his wilderness again. 

Scott looks at them, and looks around behind him in the woods. Sora and his friends also look around, and look back. A owl is hooting out there. 

Paul: And by now, I guess you all know, we're the first to return here. Five years. Five long years, he's been dormant. And he's hungry. (Softly) Jason's out there watching. Always on the prowl for intruders. Waiting to kill. (Whispering) Waiting to devour. 

Paul and Kenny: (Whispers in union) Thirsty for young blood. 

Just then, someone comes screaming out from the bushes. It's a hideous looking man with a spear, and wearing skin clothing. Everyone screams in shock and terror, and run off, except for Paul and Kenny, who smirk. The man steps over the firepit. Paul stands up.

Paul: Hey, come back! Come back!

He takes the man's mask, and it turns out to be Ted. Everyone exclaims, and laughs nervously. Ted and Kenny laugh. 

Kenny: We got 'em! We got 'em!

Tiffany scoffs, and shoves Ted with a smirk on her face. Jeff also laughs too. 

Paul: Ok, look, now that we've got that out of our system, I don't want to hear any more about it. It's ancient history. Jason drowned, Mrs. Voorhees was killed, and Camp Crystal Lake is off-limits. You got it? 

Kenny: You heard him. So that means no one goes into the camp. The police patrols around the area a lot. And they will arrest anyone who is caught sneaking around in there. 

Paul: (Walks with Ginny) Got you, huh? What did you think?

Ginny: The second act needs work. 

She walks away, with Paul following her. Sora and his friends look at each other. Sora walks over to Kenny.

Sora: Kenny?

Kenny: (Looks at him) Yeah?

Sora: Just a heads-up. Where is the camp from here?

Kenny: (Points to the direction) About two or three miles north of here. And be careful. Don't even think about going there.

Sora: We're not. Just making sure that we don't step foot in the area of the camp when we pass it.

Kenny: Alright. (Wraps his arm around Tiffany) Just keep your friends in check, and make sure they don't go into the camp.

Sora: Got it. 

Sora walks away with his friends. As they do, something is watching them from a distance in the bushes. The figure is watching Sora as he walks with Kairi. He holds her hand as they go inside to sleep. Looks like he's here with his friends. Now it's time for him to face his punishment. 

Here's the sneak peak for Kingdom Hearts: Friday the 13th part 2. Coming soon. I bet you all weren't expecting this, huh? Sora and his friends on his side are gonna return to the area where the camp is next to. And something old and new is waiting for them. Let me know what you all think of the chapter. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you. 

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