Chapter 19: Explanation, fuel cell, and talk to the hand

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Scene for Kingdom Hearts: Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines.

The Terminator is driving through through the highway, taking John, Sora, Kate, Kairi, and Ruby somewhere while the others are following them on their monsters. 

John: Where are you taking us?

Terminator: To a safe location.  

They continue heading out of the city, and into the desert. They drive and ride on the road. Inside, Kate is kicking the slidedoor, trying to get the others' attention. She yells as she continues kicking. Kairi and Ruby both sigh at this. Both John and Sora are getting tired of this too. 

Sora: Ok, this is getting too much.

John: (To Terminator) Get off at the next exit. Let her out. 

Terminator: Negative. Katherine Brewster must be protected. 

John: I thought I was the one they were after. 

Terminator: You could not be located, so a T-X was sent by through time to eliminate your lieutenants. 

John: So she's going to be in the resistance? If-- No, no.

Sora: That shouldn't be possible. And you shouldn't even exist, and neither should Skynet. John, Sarah, my friends and I took out Cyberdyne over ten years ago. We stopped Judgment Day.

Terminator: You only postponed it. Judgment day is inevitable.

Sora looks at him, and at John. This could mean one thing, they only slowed down Judgment Day. It hasn't been stopped yet. He sighs, and rubs his face. Just then, he hears smoldering. He looks at the Terminator, and sees smoke steaming out of his chest from under his shirt. 

Terminator: I require a cutting tool. 

John looks at him, and takes out a pocket knife. He hands it to the Terminator, who takes it. 

Terminator: Here, take the wheel. 

John takes the wheel as the Terminator lifts up his shirt, to reveal a burnt hole through his chest. He begins to cut around the hole. 

John: What are you doing? 

Terminator: I am powered by two hydrogen fuel cells. My primary cell was damaged by a plasma attack.

Sora: So, the other one, she's a Terminator like you, right?

Terminator: No, not like me. T-X is designed for extreme combat, driven by a plasma reactor, and equipped with onboard weapons. Its arsenal includes nanotechnological transjectors. 

Both: Meaning?

Terminator: It can control other machines.

Sora: Wait. So that's why those police cars and other cars had no drivers?

Terminaor: Yes. 

After cutting through the flesh and skin, the Terminator rips it off its chest, revealing its metal chest. It throws away the skin and flesh out. Both John and Sora grunt at this.

Sora: I still don't get used to that. What else can the T-X do?

Terminator: Its body chassis is heavily armored and hardened to withstand external attack.

They see parts of the chest open up, to reveal the fuel cells. 

John: You'll find a way to destroy her.

Sora: Yeah. You took down the T-1000, you can take this one down. 

Terminator: Unlikely. I am an obsolete design. T-X is faster, more powerful, and more intelligent than the T-1000. It's a far more effective killing machine.

John: Oh, great. That's great.

Sora watches as one of the cells pop out, and the Terminator takes it out. He sees that it is damaged. As he takes it out, the part of his chest closes back up. 

Terminator: My presence in this timeline has been anticipated. T-X is designed to terminate other cybernetic organisms. 

John: So...she's an anti-Terminator Terminator? 

Sora: She's both? You gotta be kidding us, right?

Terminator: No, I am no kidding you. 

John: Sora, what about the other machine? Another one of those...evil machines you fought off?

Sora: Yeah. Don't know about this one though, yet.

Just then, the Terminator tosses the damaged fuel cell out. The other heroes watch it fly by them. It lands on the sand by the road. Then, a moment later, it explodes. Everyone holds on as the blast shakes them. They continue flying and driving. 

Sora: What was that?!

Terminator: When ruptured, the fuel cells become unstable.

Sora: Oh, right. I forgot. John told us that the fuel cells are nuclear. 

John: Me?

Sora: Yeah, you from the future. 

Terminator: Relax.

Kate: (Screams) Let me out of here!

Kairi: Sora, what's going on?!

Terminator: (Looks back) Relax. 

He looks back on the road, and they drive and ride away from the explosion cloud behind them. They all stop at a gas station to get some gas. John fills up the car. Kagome, Goofy, and the Terminator go inside the store to get some supplies. Yang also goes inside. She sees that the gas station attendant is trying to watch TV, but can't. Everything on the TV system is going down. Every channel says the same thing, "Please stand by." Yang looks at him as William Randolph the third's "Dat funky man" is playing on the speakers.

Yang: Is there a problem, sir?

Gas station attendant: Yeah. Man, this is wack. It's been like this for hours. Every dang station. 

Kagome gets some water, juice, fruit, sunflower seeds, chips, and little sweets. Goofy also gets some water, soda, donuts, milk, beef jerky, chips, cookies, twinkies, and some pizza. They both see the Terminator is doing the same. Water, some beef jerky, Red Bliss, some Wannel, chocolate and white dounts. He gets some chips, and Planter nuts. Both of them pay for the supplies, and go out. Yang stays and watches as the Terminator finds some new sunglasses. He takes them, and puts them on. As he walks by her, he takes a whole pack of new Balance chocolate bars, and a jar of candy. He heads for the door.  

Gas station attendant: Hey! Hey, are you going to pay for that?

The Terminator stops, and slowly turns to him. Then, he sticks his hand out in front of him. 

Terminator: Talk to the hand. 

He walks out of the station with the attendant watching him with a look. Yang goes to leave. She hides her smile and holds in her laughing. Everyone is waiting outside as Kagome packs up all the supplies in her backpack. The Terminator walks to the back of the car. He unhooks the tool from the handles, and opens the door. Kate suddenly jumps out, but it grabs her. She starts hitting him while everyone watches. The Terminator grabs the back of her jacket. 

Kate: Help! Help me! Help!

The heroes gasp as she's trying to get someone's attention. Yang turns around, and sees the gas station attendant is calling the cops. The Terminator tosses her back into the car. 

Yang: Guys, he's calling the cops!

John: She's right. I think we'd better go. 

John and Sora hops in the back with Kate, Kairi, and Ruby. Yang goes to the passenger seat as the Terminator puts the basket of supplies in the back too. He closes the door. He gets back in the car, and starts the engine. The heroes get back on their monsters, and they ride and drive away from the gas station as the attendant is calling the police. Looks like things might be a little harder for the heroes, and the Terminator. 

Here's the sneak peak of Kingdom Hearts: Terminator 3: Rise of the machines. Coming soon. I hope you'll like the sneak peak. Let me know what you all think of the chapter. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you. 

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