Chapter 7: Waking up in a bathroom, let the game begin.

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Everything is still dark for Sora. A small drip falls on his face. Water is trickling somewhere. Just then, he wakes up from someone coughing. He looks around, but sees that it's dark. He sits up. He looks around, but feels something on his ankle. He touches it, and sees it's a chain. The person who is coughing is a man. He hardly sees, but the man is coughing, and gasping as he's in a bathtub. The man climbs out of it, and lays on the floor. He gets up, and walks to a corner. 

Man: Help! Someone help me!

Sora: Hello?

Man: Is someone there? Hey!

Sora: I'm over here. By the tub. I'm chained up. 

Man: Are we dead?

Voice: You're both not dead. 

Man: Who's that? Who's that?

Sora: Who's there? Answer me!

Voice: There's no need for yelling. I already tried that.

Man: Turn on the lights! 

Voice: I would if I could. 

Man: What the heck is going on? Where am I? 

Voice: I don't know yet. 

Man: (Sniffs) What is that smell?

Sora sniffs too, and he covers his nose. It smells like something died in there. 

Voice: Shh. Hang on a second. I think I found something. 

Just then, the lights turn on. The light is so bright, Sora covers his eyes. Sora shakes his head, and looks around. He sees that he's in a very old bathroom. He looks to his right, and sees a young man, who is wet from the water in the tub. He then spots a man wearing a blue shirt. And he's also chained up too by his ankle. Sora, and the two men look in the middle of the room, and to their horror and shock, in the middle of the room, is a dead body. The dead man looks like he shot himself in the head with a gun. The gun is in his left hand, and a tape recorder is in his right. He's wearing a white shirt, and boxers. 

Young man: (Shocked) Holy crap. 

Sora looks away, as he feels his stomach going up. Then, he spots three more people. Three people he knows. 

Sora: Riku! Yang! Momo! 

The young man turns away from the body while vomiting. Riku is chained to one of the old sinks, Yang is chained to a pipe sink next to Riku, and Momo is chained to another pipe that is front of the body. The young man then looks at his ankle, and sees he's chained. He starts freaking out.

Young man: Aah! Help! Help! (Pulls on chain to get free) Help! Help!

As he shouts, the three heroes begin to wake up. Riku opens his eyes, and covers them from the light. Yang covers her eyes as she shakes her head. Momo coughs as she shakes her head. She then looks, and sees the body. She shrieks in horror, and backs away. Riku and Yang look up, and see it too. They both look around, and see the two men, and Sora. Sora looks to where he's chained at. He's chained to a pipe next to showers by the tub.

Riku: Sora? Sora, what's going on? 

Sora: I-I don't know. (Looks at Momo) Momo, don't look at it. 

Momo: (Stands up) I'm trying not to. 

Man: (To young man) No one can hear you. 

Sora: He's right. I doubt anyone can hear us in here. 

Young man: What the heck is this? 

Man: Calm down. Just calm down. Are you all hurt?

Momo: (Shakes her head)

Yang: I'm fine. 

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