Chapter 57: Nightmare of Jason

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Opening scene for Kingdom Hearts: Friday the 13th part 5: A new beginning

On a dark rainy night, two people in rain coats are walking through the woods, trying to get somewhere. They have flashlights as they shine them through the night. Thunder erupts in the air as rain pours down hard. The two people continue walking through the woods, until they come across to where they want to go. A graveyard. They walk to a recent buried grave. They look at it. The two people are actually kids. It's Ruby, and Tommy. They're looking at the grave of the Crystal Lake killer, Jason Voorhees. They shiver as they look at the grave. They believe that Jason could still be alive inside there. 

Ruby: Oh, Tommy. We shouldn't be here. I don't want to be there. He could be...

Tommy looks at him, and back at the grave. Just then, they hear voices. They look to their left, and they see two men coming. They're grave robbers, and they're looking for Jason's grave. Ruby and Tommy are panicking. They both run off to hide. The grave robbers see the grave. Both the kids hide in the bushes, and see them running to the grave.

Grave Robber: That's it. There it is! 

Grave Robber 2: Let's rip this sucker open! 

Grave Robber: Got to look at the main man. 

They both laugh as they start digging up the grave. 

Ruby: What are they doing?! Are they crazy?!

They continue digging, and dig as fast as they can, so they can get to the coffin. Both kids continue watching them from the bushes. They finally reach the coffin, and use their shovels to rip the top off. Ruby is getting scared. They're about to open it up. They finally get it off, and move the top away. Tommy gasps silently, and takes off his glasses. The grave robbers kneel down, and look inside. They look at each other, and back down. Inside, is Jason himself. Still wearing the hockey mask, and is covered in worms. He looks really dead. The kids look at each other, and back at the sight. But just then, Jason suddenly comes to life, and lifts up his machete. Both kids gasp in horror. He stabs one of the grave robbers in his stomach. He groans as blood oozes out of his mouth. Jason then stabs the other one with a dart. They both drop down dead. Both Ruby and Tommy whimper as they see this.

Ruby: No... No...

Jason then sits up, and stands up, making the worms fall off him. He looks ahead, and spots the kids in the bushes.

Ruby: can't be alive!

Jason then takes the machete out of the dead grave robber, and looks at the kids, who continue whimpering in fear. Then, he walks to them. He looks down at them. Ruby shakes her head, pleading him to spare them. Tommy is gasping as he looks at Jason. 

Tommy: No...please, no. 

Jason then lifts up his machete, getting ready to swing it down on them. Both kids see this, and shake in great fear, gasping. And then, he swings down.

Both: NO!!!!

Then, Ruby wakes up in her bed on the gummiship. She gasps as she wakes up. She looks around. She sees she's in her room. Zwei is sleeping next to her. She rubs her eyes, and looks at her mirror by her bed. To her horror, Jason is on it, holding his machete. She yelps, and looks to her right, and sees no one. She looks back at the mirror, and Jason is gone. She sighs, and lays back down. She looks at the ceiling. 

Ruby: Stop thinking about him. He's dead. He's gone. 

Ruby closes her eyes, and goes back to sleep. The heroes are all sleeping as the ship is on auto-pilot. They're heading back to the town to check to see if Jason really is gone. And to see if Tommy and his sister are okay, along with the other survivors from Jason's killings. But little do they know, they're about to meet Tommy in a different way. 

Here's the sneak peek of Kingdom Hearts: Friday the 13th part 5: A new beginning. Sora and his friends will see their friend, Tommy again. But will discover that he has been having nightmares about Jason, and so has Ruby. Let me know what you all think of the chapter. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you. 

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