Chapter 49: Simon Peter Gruber

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Scene from Kingdom Hearts: Die Hard with a Vengeance

In the aftermath of the explosion, rescue personnel and firemen arrive at the scene to help the injured people and take out the fires. John, Zeus, Alex, Brock, and the heroes are escorted out of the subway, and are being treated. More injuired people are being carried. Lambert and Vincent are coming out of the subway, coughing.

Lambert: (Coughing) Dang! Get in there. Officer, tell those people to get the heck back, will ya?

Vincent: He's right! Get them out of here! There might be another bomb! 

Lambert: We got a crapload of cuts and bruises, a couple concussions, some old guy's pacemaker stopped, and a pregnant girl's water broke. And that's all. How are you all doing?

John: I still can't hear too good. 

Both Alex and Brock chuckle at this, along with Lambert and Vincent. The heroes all shake their heads at this, with smiles on their faces. 

Lambert: Well, it's a miracle you're still alive. It's a goshdang miracle.

John: Yeah, that's the problem, Joe. 

Lambert: What?

John: The miracle part. What are the odds of us making it down here on time? 

Zeus: (Chuckles, checks out his glasses) Zip. 

Sora: What do you mean, John?

John: That bomb was gonna go off no matter what. He wanted it to go off right down there. 

Brock: This is freaking crazy.

Alex: Tell me about it. Dave, take this off my brother. (Looks at Lambert) It was a big miracle that nobody was killed. Only injured, but not killed. 

Lambert: Well, what's so special about this place? 

John: I don't know. Something just doesn't add up. 

Woman: Lt. McClane? 

John: Huh?

Woman: They're asking for you and Mr. Carver. 

John: Where?

She leads them to where a van is at. Connie, Ricky, and Walter meet up with them. 

Cobb: John?

John, Zeus, Brock, Alex, Sora, and Kairi get in the van. In there are three men. 

Cobb: John, this is Andy Cross with the F.B.I. This is Mr. Jarvis. He's--

Jarvis: (Takes off his glasses) I'm, uh, with another agency. It's good to meet you. 

John takes their hands as they sit down. 

Cobb: This is Lieutenant McClane. This is Mr. Carver. And this is Sora. And this is Brock Lewis, a former police officer from L.A.

Sora: So, how can we help you?

Cross: We got a couple of questions first. Do you recognize this guy?

He hands them a file of pictures. On the picture, it shows a man wearing sunglasses, and looking at a book, with a woman standing by him. 

John: No. 

Cross: How about this one? 

He flips up the picture to see another one. It shows an higher officer. 

John: (Shakes his head) Mm-mmm. 

Cross: (To Zeus) How about you? 

Zeus shakes his head. 

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