Chapter 25: Treasure hunt, squeezing Mateo

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Scene from Kingdom Hearts: Anaconda.

The boats continue going downstream. And they come down to another open water area. And just then, the boats come up to an old boat. It's the poacher's boat. All of his stuff are all scattered all over the place. And the cases that had all birds and monkeys are all gone. Either they all got out somehow, or they were eaten before they even got a chance to. His gun lays by one of the cages, and on the antenna, the poacher's body is gone. Back at the boats, Donald suddenly spots the boat. They see it behind some bushes and leaves. Donald slows the boat down, and stops it. He sees the Mateo is stopping too. 

Donald: Everyone, come take a look at this. Look. 

Everyone comes to look at what Donald sees. They see the boat behind bushes. They all look at it. 

Terri: Hello!

Sora: Hey! Is anyone over there?

Just then, a gunshot is heard. Everyone ducks down, and looks at the other boat. They see Paul with a rifle. He shot in the air. Everyone waits, but no one answers.

Kai: Looks like no one's home. It must have been abandoned. 

Paul: (Calls out) Sora, you, Ruby, and Momo come with me and Mateo.

They look at him, and they agree to go with them to the boat. There might be fuel on there. Danny also goes with them to film. Kairi kisses Sora's cheek for luck. They get in the water, and walk slowly to the boat. They keep their eyes out for anything that might attack them. They carefully walk through the water, and make it to the boat. Danny then starts filming Sarone and Mateo getting on the boat. Sora, Ruby, and Momo stand by Danny, and watch them. But as they stand, they hear something. They turn around, and look around. They don't see anything. They look at each other, and are now climbing on the boat. They get on board, and look. Danny goes to find Sarone. Sora and the girls look around the place. Momo then finds the gun on the ground. She picks it up, and looks at it. She shows Sora and Ruby. 

Momo: The gun's empty, which means it's been fired. 

Sora looks around. He finds a bullet mark on the steps. He only finds one mark. He doesn't see anymore of them. They then go into a room, where Danny is in. As they do, they barely miss a hole on the floor. They all gasp, and look down. They look at the hole.

Ruby: Gee whiz. Looks like something rammed into the floor to get in. 

Momo: Yeah. You're right. Something did break through the floor from underneath the boat to get inside. All the broken wood is in the room. 

Danny: Guys, look at this. 

They all look at what Danny is holding. He's holding a broken rifle. The rifle looks like it's been broken into places. 

Ruby: What the heck? Who did that?

Momo: (Takes it, and studies it) Yep. It may be broken, but it was fired. Whoever had this, they managed to get four shots outta this before whoever or whatever did this to the gun. 

Sora looks around the place. A lot of pictures, and he finds a radio. It seems like whoever was on the boat was in trouble. They all go to where Sarone is. He's in the bottom of the boat. They all climb down some steps, and reach the bottom. Then, Sarone appears in front of them. They get started. 

Paul: Help me with this.

He points at a metal container. They look at it.

Danny: What's that?

Paul: Treasures.

They help him carrying it up. They search the boat. No fuel anywhere. Danny puts his camera in the container as they are now done with the boat. Danny gets in the water, and helps Sarone with the container. 

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