Chaptter 37: It's got a death curse!

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Scene for Kingdom Hearts: Friday the 13th. 

The heroes come down onto the world. They arrive in a town. The town looks peaceful and quiet. People are hardly outside. They're mostly indoors. Sora holds Kairi's hand as they all walk through the town. Ruby looks around as she holds Zwei in her hands. They walk through town, and they come to the end of town. Sora looks ahead, and frowns as he feels something strange. It's almost like something is calling them to come somewhere. Kairi looks at him.

Kairi: Sora? What's wrong?

Sora: I-I don't know. I suddenly feel something strange. something is telling us to go somewhere. 

Riku: Maybe we should go check it out. If it is something bad, we might need to do something about it. 

Sora: Maybe.

Just then, a police car stops by them. They all look, and see a police officer looking. He's a sergeant.

Police sergeant: Hello there.

Sora: Hi.

Police sergeant: Is everything alright? 

Roxas: Yeah. We're just walking. And we're going on a hike in the woods over there. 

Police sergeant: Down there, in those woods?

Yang: Yeah. Why? Is there something wrong, sir?

Police sergeant: No, no problem. Just find it strange that people want to go hiking in the woods next to the camp.

Momo: Camp?

Police sergeant: Camp Crystal Lake. A camp for kids. It's been closed for years. A man name Steve Christy is up there right now, fixing up the place. He's planning on reopening the camp. 

Just then, an old man suddenly rides up to them on his bike. They all jump at this. He looks at them.

Old man: You're all planning to go to Camp Blood, aren't you?

Yuu: Camp Blood?

Police sergeant: Oh, gosh, Ralph, get out of here! Go! We told you to leave people alone! You're scaring them enough! 

Ralph: You'll all never come back again. It's got a death curse! 

Police sergeant: Oh, Ralph, stop it already.

Ralph looks at them, and rides off again. They all look at him go. They look at the police officer.

Weiss: Gosh, who was that?

Police sergeant: That's Crazy Ralph. He's been like that for years. He's been causing problems for Steve with all that talk. 

Sae: But what did he mean, death curse?

Police sergeant: Oh, well, I don't believe in that death curse thing, but the old timers here in the town. They say Camp Crystal Camp is jinxed. I don't believe it's cursed, but jinxed. 

Gooy: Gosh, how can it be jinxed? Did something happened there?

Police sergeant: The camp first opened in 1935, by the Christy family. It was going peacefully until the accident in 1957. A young boy drowned in the lake.

Namine: (Gasps) Oh, no...

Ren: Why didn't anyone save him?

Police sergeant: They didn't know. Heck, the camp counselors weren't even watching him. Then, a year later, the two teenaged counselors that worked there were murdered. 

The heroes look at each other, and at him.

Velvet: (Whimpers) Murdered?

Police sergeant: Yeah. They were both stabbed to death. And a bunch of fires started burning around the camp in 1959. Luckily, no one else, or even the kids were hurt or killed. But get this, nobody knows who did any of them. They couldn't find the killer anywhere, or find out who caused the fires. In 1962, they were gonna open up the camp. And the water was bad. 

Donald: How?

Police sergeant: I don't know. They said the water was poisoned. The poison is long gone now, but since then, the camp was abandoned. The people in the town say that Steve will end up like his parents: crazy and broke. He's been up there in the camp a year fixing up that place. He dropped $25,000. He just wants to bring the camp back. And help more kids to have fun in the summer. But everyone else is saying it's a bad idea.

Sora looks at his friends, and he looks at the road that leads down to the camp. 

Sora: Well, thanks for telling us this. But we can handle it. We're just gonna do a hike. 

Police sergeant: Alright. You all have a safe hike over there. And be careful. 

Blake: We will. Thank you.

The police sergeant drives off. They all look at the car, and look at the road that leads to the lake. They all start walking down the path to the lake. Sora then sees a red truck coming their way. They all step aside to let it come pass them. The driver waves at them, and they wave back. He's dropping off a girl to the camp too. They follow the path. But little do they know, they're about to walk into another horror time. 

Here's the sneak peak of Kingdom Hearts: Friday the 13th. I know it's short, but I just want to see what it will be like. And the heroes have landed in the town of where the camp is at. And I'll add one or more ocs for this story. Let me know what you all think of the chapter. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you. 

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