Chapter 56: Jason's still alive

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Scene for Kingdom Hearts: Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter

In the hospital, Sora and his friends are now checking out of the hospital. They pay for it, and they walk through the hospital. As they do, they see some paramedics bringing in corpses in body bags on stretchers. They watch as they go the hospital morgue. Sora frowns as he looks at this. He also hears sobbing. He looks in another room, and sees a girl hugging her mother. Another girl is hugging them, sobbing her eyes out. It's Chris and Jenny. They're with their parents. They just got winded that Jason was found, and he killed two store owners, eight kids, and three bikers. Only this time, they got him. Sora also heard that Kai and his friends were there, and they stopped him. Now, they're looking for them. Just then, a couple of paramedics push some doors open, bringing in another body on a stretcher. They accidentally hit Riku, who grunts.

Paramedic: Sorry.

Riku: It's fine. (Looks at the body) Is this the...killer?

Paramedic: Yep, this is him. He got eight kids and three bikers. But it looks like they got him. 

Kairi: Were there any survivors?

Paramedics: Only a few. Four girls, and two boys. They were lucky. 

Roxas looks at the body. He sees that Jason isn't moving at all. Looks like they finally got him. 

Roxas: Is he really...?

Paramedic: Of course. We checked him. He's dead. Look, we gotta bring him to the morgue. 

They step aside for them, and they head there now. Sora watches as they go inside. Looks like the Voorhees bloodline is over. They go on to find their friends. They go to another level, and they find the hospital rooms that Kai and his friends are in. They're laying down on beds, sleeping. Sora and his friends all sigh at this. They all sit down, and wait for their friends to wake up. Meanwhile, in the castle, Maleficent and her minions are watching this. Fear is cooing as she watches this. 

Maleficent: It seems like they beat Jason once again. 

Invader: Yeah. I was surprised that he survived that last one. 

Fear coos more, and then, a card appears in her tiny hands. Maleficent sees it, and takes it. She gives it to Doma. 

Doma: Ah, a revive card. I think your daughter wants to give Jason another chance. 

Maleficent smirks, and watches as Doma throws the card through the portal. The card lands on Jason's body, and then it dissolves inside him. And the reviving spell does its work on him. His heart starts beating again as the coroner puts his body in a refrigerated drawer. He closes the door as Jason breathes again. But the door didn't close all the way. It opens up a little, and Jason opens up his eye. He breathes heavily, as he feels more killing instinct inside him. He opens the door quietly, and sees the coroner watching girls on Tv, doing aerobics. 

Coroner: Hi, girls. Thanks for waiting. 

Jason's eye narrows at this. He hates this. He quietly gets out of the drawer, and finds a hacksaw. He picks it up, and walks behind the coroner as he drinks his coffee. He grabs him. The coroner gasps as Jason uses the hacksaw, and slits his throat. The coroner groans, chokes as blood oozes out. Then, Jason grabs his head, and twists it around, killing him. After that, he hides the body somewhere, and goes somewhere else. He also feels someone else was in here with the man, about to have sex. He senses her nearby, and goes to find her. He finds her in a suppy room. He walks in quietly, and turns off the lights. He sees she's cleaning up broken jars. 

Nurse: Get lost, Axel. I'm busy. I've had more than enough of you for one night. 

He figures she's talking about the coroner. He walks up behind her. She gets annoyed, and gets up.

Nurse: Read my lips. Leave me alone--

She screams as Jason grabs her by the throat. She's screaming as he holds her up against the wall. And then, he stabs her with a scalpel, and disembowels her. She screams in agony as blood oozes out of the wound. After a moment of screaming, she dies. Jason drops the body, and looks at it. He hides the body too, and disappears out of sight, wanting to go back to the lake. Meanwhile, with the heroes, Kai and his friends woke up. They're happy to see their friends. Kai told them everything that happened over there. Momo holds his hand as he talks. 

Kai: And so, we watched as Chris stabbed him in the forehead with an ax. And he fell down, and died. 

Toji: But we couldn't believe it. It was Jason. Alice was right.

Momo: He came back to life after his drowning, and he saw his mom get killed by Alice. 

Sae: And he took his revenge on Alice. You said you saw Alice and Adam's bodies, along Mrs. Voorhees' head?

Sora: Yeah, we did. Found them in his shack.

Winter: They were badly decomposed, and we believe that he kept them in there for five years. 

Ruby: And he also built a shrine for his mother. 

Riku: Well, it doesn't matter now. We got Jason now. He's dead. 

Kairi: I'm just surprised that he survived from being stabbed in the shoulder, hung by the neck, and finally died from a stab wound through the forehead. 

Yang: The parents of the murdered victims are gonna be so sad when they see the bodies of their kids. 

Sora: Yeah. I'd like to go see the body myself. I need to be sure. 

They leave the room to let Kai and his friends rest. They go back to the level where the morgue is. They walk down the hall. As they do, police officers also approach the morgue too. They too want to see the body of the killer. The officers hold the heroes back so the sheriff and a couple of his deputies walk inside. 

Deputy: They put it in here, sheriff. 

The sheriff walks to the drawer, and the heroes watch as he opens it. The sheriff looks inside, and frowns. 

Sheriff: But where is it?

The deputy walks to it, and looks inside. He doesn't see the body anywhere. 

Deputy: What the heck? It's gone. 

Deputy 2: Gone? How can it be gone? Was it moved? 

Deputy: But where would they move it? Where's the coroner?

The heroes peek inside, and they see that the body is indeed gone. They couldn't believe it. Jason is gone. But if he's gone, then that could only mean one thing. 

Sora: Jason's still alive...

The heroes all look at each other, seeing that the Crystal Lake horror is still not over. Then, Ruby just realizes something. Her eyes widen in horror.

Ruby: Oh, no... Sora, Yuu and Miki are at the lake right now, along with Jeremy and his friends. 

They all look at her, and realize that their other friends are in trouble. If Jason is still alive, he might go after them too. They need to go over there, and find them before it's too late. They gather what they have, and head back to the lake. They leave a message for Kai and his friends to let them know what happened. They're now gonna try to bring an end to all of this. 

Here's the sneak peak of Kingdom Hearts: Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter. Coming soon. Yeah. Looks like Fear decided to revive Jason herself. She can make her cards of monsters and spells. It's amazing that something that a baby can create. But what does she see in him? As a monster, or a brother-figure? I guess we'll find out soon. Let me know what you all think of the chapter. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you.      

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