Chapter 36: Thank Heaven

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 Rogers leads everyone through the sewer line, and they find an opening above through rumble.

Rogers: Pick up the pace, people! I'm not looking to get left behind. Stay close together and stick to cover. 

He leads them through the opening, and they're back on the streets. They're almost there to the evac point. John and Sora look around the place, and sees it's too quiet. They don't see any machines anywhere. Kairi looks at Sora, and holds his hand as they walk. They know that it's too quiet. And John always say be prepared for the unexpected. They walk through some old buildings. Just then, Aerostats show up. 

Rogers: Heads up! Aerostats! 

Marks: Take out those wasps!

Everyone gets behind cover, and they open fire on them. They take down all of them before they could do anything. 

Rogers: Marks, Inuyasha, scout ahead. Make sure the area's clear. 

Marks: Roger that, Rogers. 

Inuyasha: Hey, quit screwing around. Come on.

They both go ahead to check it out while everyone else follows them. They both look around as they stop. Just then, something burst through the wall. It's a T-7T. It open fires. Inuyasha moves out of the way, but Marks isn't lucky. He screams as he gets gunned down. 

Rogers: Marks! Take cover!

Everyone ducks behind cover as it open fires on them too. Inuyasha looks at this, and flanks the spider. He fires at it, getting its attention. It turns around, and fires at it. The others see its' battery on its back, and they fire at it. They shoot the battery and it explodes. 

Rogers: Well done.

Inuyasha: (Looks ahead) Here comes more Aerostats! 

Blair: And here comes some more!

John sees the two spiders coming at them. He takes out his RPG, and aims for it. He fires, and hits one of them, causing it to explode. He reloads, and fires at the other one as everyone shoots at the Aerostats. They all take them down. 

Sora: Alright!

Rogers: Yeah! That's how you do it! Alright, coast is clear. 

Sango: What about Marks?

Blair: He's dead already, Sango. There's nothing we can do. We have to leave him. 

John walks over to the body, and takes out the dog tags. They continue onward, and they keep their heads low as they walk through a destroyed gas station. During the walks through the building, they've encounter more machines, but take them down. John finds some grenades, and use them on the T-7Ts. Teamwork works out for them all. Then, they all make it to the area where the evac point is at. But they don't see anyone around the place.

Blair: Finally! 

Rogers: Something's wrong. Where is everyone? 

Blair: Maybe we're too late and missed the evac. 

Rogers: Maybe they're all dead.

John: Or maybe they're just being smart.

Inuyasha: Let's just go in. 

They all walk to the building, and walk inside. More people are inside. Waiting for them are Riku, Ruby, and the others. But Jeremy, Ulrich, Aelita, Jaune, Ren, Donald, Roxas, and Namine are missing. An officer walks up to them.

Officer: Names?

Rogers: Rogers, Connor, Sora, Kairi, Inuyasha, Yumi, Sango, Kagome, Winter, Weiss, and Williams, sir. 

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