Chapter 6: 343 Guility Spark

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Scene from Kingdom Hearts: Halo: Combat Evolved

The heroes and Master Chief are flying in the dropship with Foehammer. She's dropping them off where Captain Keyes was last seen. They are all quiet, remember what Cortana had told them before leaving her. They are all wondering what spooked her. Just then, the dropship makes it to the area where Keyes was last heard from. They're in a swamp area. 

Foehammer: The last transmission from the Captain's dropship was from this area. That was over 12 hours ago...and we've been unable to reestablish contact with the Captain or his team. When you locate Captain Keyes, radio in and I'll come pick you up. 

Sora: Got it, Foehammer.

Foehammer: Good luck, everyone.

They all get off the dropship, and she takes off. Everyone walks through the area with their weapons. Chief leads them. Then, they find the missing dropship. It crashed down into the water. They check it out. They find several weapons on the ground. They check the weapons as they look around for bodies or any survivors. They hear radio chatter on the dropship. Winter checks the ammo in the weapons, and sees that they're all spent. 

Winter: Whoa. They're all empty. They've used all the ammo. 

Sora: But what happened here though? 

Kai: Looks like there was a firefight. They were shooting in all directions around. Looks like this was their last stand.

Riku: Can't believe Keyes, Johnson, and their team walked into an ambush. 

Jaune: But look around. There's barely blood, but no bodies. Do you think the Covevant took some prisoner?

Weiss: But then why did they take the bodies with them for? 

Donald: Maybe they were still alive, and they took them too. 

Sora: Or maybe they fell back somewhere around here to take cover. 

Master Chief: Come on. Let's go find them then. 

They all nod, and follow Master Chief through the swamp. They all look around, but can't see anything. Some Grunts attack them, but they take them down. On the way, they found a crashed Covenant dropship. They all look at it. 

Kai: Whoa. Looks like the dropship was forced down by something. Do you think our forces did that?

Momo: I don't know. Sora, what do you think?

Sora: I don't know either. Chief?

Master Chief: There are no signs of rocket blasts on them, meaning our guys didn't shoot it down. 

Jaune: Maybe it was an accident. You know, lost control of the ship or something. I'm just saying. 

Yang: He's not wrong about that. 

Ruby: (Looks around) Wait! Look up there!

Everyone looks at what she's pointing at. They all look on top of a hill, but don't see anything. 

Weiss: Look at what? What did you see?

Ruby: I thought I saw one of our guys. 

Master Chief: (Looks at his tracker) I'm not reading any friendlies nearby. Wait. 

He gets a reading of a friendly. He looks around, but can't see anything. He shakes his head, and they move on. Two Jackals ambush them, but Sora takes them down with his keyblade. They then walk on a log to get to the other side. Blake looks ahead, and could have swore she saw someone running away. On the other side, a Covenant turret is placed. Just then, as they make it to the other side, a grenade explosion is heard. They all run to where it came from, and they see Covenant forces retreating from enemy gunfire. The gunfire is coming from a structure in the base of a cliff hill. The heroes and Chief charge in, and take down the forces. 

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