Chapter 15: Retreat to the outpost

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Scene from Kingdom Hearts: Starship Troopers 2: Hero of the Federation

"In the dark aftermath of the unprovoked arachnid attack on Buenos Aires, Federal Forces crushed the enemy at Tango Urilla and captured a Brain Bug on Planet P. Now, armed with victory, the heroic men and women of the Mobile Infantry push deep into the arachnid quarantine zone and take the fight to the bug."

The Mobile Infantry flag is showed with troopers running into battle. 

Narrator: Our war is going better than ever...but we need heroes! We need you!

Then, a trooper in uniform appears on screen, and he turns around with a smile. 

Trooper: Come on, you apes! You want to live forever? (Winks) 

Narrator: Service guarantees citizenship. Would you like to know more?

Then, scene changes to the fleet dropping down ship. Words appear on screen that say, "Push on to glory!"

Narrator: The Sky Marshal launches Operation March to Victory, a bold new strategy calling for total war against the bug, on every front. 

Scene shows bombers dropping bombs on an army of bugs. They get burned up and blowed up by the bombs. Then, troopers hang the flag on the front. 

Narrator: Would you like to know more?

The wind blows the flag around in the air as it hangs on the pole. Then, the scene shows nighttime, and there's a battle going on. The heroes are with General Shepherd and his unit. They're fighting the bugs on a hill, trying to hold them back. 

Sora: Look out, look out!

Jeremy: Watch out!

A bug grabs ahold of a trooper as she screams. Then, it cuts her in half before the troopers take it down. Lieutenant Dill sees this. 

Dill: Fall back! (Runs to the radio operator) Retreat! Retreat! (To radio operator) We need pick up now! Now!

Radio operator: Yes, sir! Yes, sir! 

Jeremy: Kobe, I need help to boost the signal! 

Kobe: I know! (Talks on radio) This is Mobile Infantry Bravo Six to Fleet Rescue. It's Bravo Six to Fleet Rescue.

As they work on the radio, Dill looks down the hill, and he sees a whole bunch of arachnids everywhere, roaring while moving around. 

Dill: Fall back! (Blows whistle) 

The troopers continue firing at them. The heroes summon their monsters to help them out. Armed Dragon blows fire at the bugs, burning them. The heroes also have the Infantry's weapons. They fire at the bugs. The bugs all take hits. 

Odd: Man, these things just won't give up! (Fires weapon)

Kagome: Just keep firing!

Sora: Sergeant Rake, get your men back!

Rake: Horton, Sandee, pull back!

Sandee: (Tries to carry a crate) Help me with this, goshdang it! 

Horton: (Helps her) You're okay, Sandee. I got you. You're okay!

Rake: Hold what you got!

Riku: Curse of Dragon, burning land attack!

Curse of Dragon roars, and blows fire at the bugs. They all shriek as the fire kills them. A trooper laughs as he sees this while shooting them. 

Man: Come on, bug! 

Rake: Tor! Cover our six!

Tor: (Turns to her) Huh? (She pushes his gun down to where she wants him to cover) Oh, that six. (Fires) Hey, bug! 

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