Chapter 50: I think the only way to stop him is to make another movie.

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Scene for Kingdom Hearts: Wes Craven's New Nightmare

Heather, Haley, David, and Hayden arrive at Wes' house. Mickol also arrives there. They're talking to Wes about the script. 

Wes: I wish I could tell you where the script was going, but I don't know. I dream a scene at night. I write it in the morning. Beyond that, your guess is good as mine. I tell it to Mickol, so he can write in his version. 

Heather: Well, at least tell us what it's about so far. 

They all go inside, and a maid offers them coffee. Haley, David, and Hayden refuse any, but Heather and Mickol take two cups. They thank the maid, and she walks away. They follow Mickol and Wes to his living room. 

Wes: I can tell you what the nightmare's about so far. It's about this entity, whatever you want to call it. It's old. It's very old. It's existed in different forms in different times. The only thing about it that stays the same is what it lives for. 

Heather: What is that?

Wes: The murder of innocence. 

They all sit down on chairs and the couch. 

Haley: Wait. This is still a script we're talking about, right, Wes?

Wes: Yeah, well, I sort of think of it as a nightmare in progress. 

Heather: In this nightmare in progress, does this thing, have any weaknesses? 

Wes: Yeah, well, it can be captured sometimes. 

David: Captured? How?

Wes: By storytellers, of all things. Every so often, they imagine a story good enough to sort of catch its essence, and then for a while, it's held prisoner in the story. 

Heather: Like the genie in the bottle. 

Wes: Exactly, exactly. But the problem comes when the story dies. That can happen in many ways. It can get too familiar to people, or somebody waters it down to make it an easier sell. You know, or, maybe it's just banned outright. However, it happens when the story dies, the evil is set free. 

Heather: You're saying Freddy is this ancient thing? 

Wes: Right. Current version.

Haley: But why?

Mickol: Well, you see, for 10 years, he's been held captive as Freddy In the Kingdom Hearts: A Nightmare on Elm Street series, but now that the films have ended, our genie's out of the bottle. That's what Wes told me.

Wes: That's what the nightmares are telling me. 

Heather: If Freddy is loose in your script, where's he going to go? Another age? Another form? 

Wes: No. That's not what the dreams have him doing. 

Heather: What is he doing? 

Wes: He's sort of gotten used to being Freddy now, and he likes our time and space. So, he's decided to cross over. Out of films and stories, into our reality. 

Heather: (Looks at him) Isn't there anyone who can stop him? 

Wes: Actually, there are people in the dreams, sort of gatekeepers, so to speak. People Freddy has to get by before he can come through into our world. Those people are you, Heather. Along with Haley and his friends.

Haley: What?

David: Us? We're gatekeepers?

Hayden: But why us?

Wes: Well, dramatically speaking, it makes perfect sense. You played Nancy, after all, and you were the first to humiliate him, defeat him. 

Heather: That was Nancy, Wes. It's not me. 

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