Chapter 14: Evacuation of Dante's Peak

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The whole town is now gathered around in the High School gym for the public meeting to discuss the evacuation of Dante's Peak. Everyone is trying to talk to Rachel. 

Woman: Do we have to wait? I mean, if we want to leave now?

Rachel: No, Susan, you don't have to wait. You can leave whenever you like. Ok, listen, I know it's tough to think about leaving our homes. But, clearly, it's the most responsible thing to do right now. Quite likely nothing will happen. But it's better to be safe than sorry. I want you to remember, no one should leave tonight without a copy of the town's emergency evacuation plan. They will be handled out at the door on your way out. 

Man: But mayor, what about the black creatures, and that three-headed dog?

Rachel: Don't worry. Sora and his friends are keeping their eyes out for them. I'd like to turn the floor over now to Dr. Harry Dalton. 

Harry: Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, first of all...

As he talks, Sora looks at his friends. 

Roxas: Sora, this is getting crazy. Flame Cerberus is not gonna make any of this easy for them. 

Sora: I know, but we've got to try. 

Harry: I'll try to be as brief as possible. I would like to underline that these are just precautionary measures. We don't want to start a panic. 

Just then, rumbling is heard. A water cup shakes as everyone looks around. 

Jennifer: Did anybody feel that? 

The rumbling continues as everyone starts to get nervous. 

Harry: Ladies and gentlemen, please remain calm. Please just...

Then, the whole place begins to shake hard. Everyone is screaming as they run for the exits. Kenny looks around as Josh ducks down. He looks around as he pants.

Kenny: I felt that. 

The people continue running and screaming. Rachel's council leave to get out too. Harry continues to try to calm everyone with the sheriff. 

Harry: Don't push. Please stay calm. 

Sheriff: Do not rush. Do not rush. 

Harry: Go toward the exits. Don't panic. Do not push. 

Back at Rachel's house, Graham and Lucy come out of the house as everything continues shaking. They both look up, and see the volcano erupting. Big jet of smoke is coming out of it. 

Lucy: Oh, gosh. Grandma is up there...

Graham: Come on!

They both run back inside.

Graham: Lauren! The mountain's blowing up!

Back at the school, everyone continues running, all panicked. The earthquake is causing the ceiling to break apart. 

Sheriff: Do not rush, ladies and gentlemen. 

Harry: Please be calm! Don't push!

Sora looks up, and sees a light coming down after it breaks off. 

Sora: Watch out!

Weiss freezes the light, and Winter shoots at it to break it apart. The ice falls down, but doesn't hurt anyone. A man gets pushed down on the floor. 

Harry: Please.

Jennifer: Harry, they're not listening! They're too scared! Come on!

They all jump down to move with the people. Jaune and Harry look down, and help the man back up. 

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