Chapter 12: Ernie loses it

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Scene from Kingdom Hearts: Mouse Hunt

In the house, Ernie, Lars, and the heroes see the damage to the house caused by the mouse. The stairs and floor is broken, like Caesar was dragged hard against. 

Sora: (Sighs) Man. That's a lot of damage. 

Kai: Tell me about it.

Sango: We followed it. It leads all the way up to the attic.  

Lars comes downstairs after changing clothes. Just then, Ernie and Sae find something on the ground. It's Caesar's tape recorder. He picks it up, and rewinds it as everyone gathers around. They see it. 

Lars: What's that?

Sae: Caesar's tape recorder. He must of dropped it. 

Ernie then pushes play, and everyone listens. They hear footsteps, and the door creaking. Then, they hear Caesar's voice on it, along with noises. 

Caesar on tape recorder: Put that down. What is that? 

Then. they hear him yelling on it, and loud thuds with crashing sounds. He's muffled groaning on it. They all jump and flinch of hearing all of this. 

Caesar on tape recorder: That tickles!

Then, a sound like getting stabbed is heard. Caesar screams, and glass breaks. Everyone is shocked to hear all of that. Then the tape ends. Everyone looks at each other. 

Weiss: What could this mean? 

Ernie: I don't think we're dealing with an ordinary mouse. 

Ulrich: Oh, you think?

Blake: Oh, man. This is one very smart mouse we're dealing with right now.

Just then, they all hear crashing in the kitchen. They all go check it out. And they find the kitchen a mess. Everyone looks around.

Ernie: My kitchen! 

Sora picks up a water bottle, and Lars picks up a peanut butter jar. They both look at the counter, and see a sandwich. 

Lars: Looks like Caesar decided to make himself a sandwich. 

Sora: But he didn't eat it. Just left it there.

Everyone walks to it, and looks at it. 

Ernie: Pickles, arugula and capers. He toasted the side with the cheese, but not the other side, so the arugula doesn't wilt. (Pauses) How did he know that? 

Kagome: Maybe...he just knew. 

He's about to pick it up, but then the sandwich moves on its own. Everyone looks, and realizes that the mouse is under it. Everyone looks at each other, and look up. Lars takes a frying pan, and Inuyasha grabs a spatula. They all gather around, and Ernie lifts up the sandwich, revealing the mouse. He looks up, and sees everyone with smirks on their faces.

Kingdom Hearts cast: Hello. 

Rwby cast: Hello.

Peach Girl cast: Hello. 

Marmalade Boy cast: Hello. 

Code Lyoko cast: Hello.

Inuyasha cast: Hello. 

Ernie: Hello. 

Lars: Hello.

Both Lars and Inuyasha lift up their weapons, and slam them down, but the mouse moves out of the way just in time, and they both hit a big metal spoon, and it flies up, hitting a wooden shelf, and all three shelves come down on everyone. They all groan as they lay down on the floor, covering in flour. Lars hits Ernie in the face by mistake.

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