Chapter 4: The Dreighton Triangle & The Corellia Star

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Two chapters from Kingdom Hearts: Star Wars: Rebel Assault 2: The Hidden Empire.

In space, Nine B-Wings are flying in space. In two of them are two Rebel pilots. The other seven is some of our heroes. Sora, Kairi, Riku, Donald, Jaune, Ulrich, and Yumi. They're picking up a message from a ship nearby. A rebel pilot is someone that they know. His name is Rookie One. Like Luke, he's a farmboy, but he's a talented pilot. They listen to the message from the pilot, but he is breaking up. The heroes try to listen, but they can't make it out clearly. 

Rookie One: I can't make it out, Commander. 

Commander: Hailing vessel. Repeat your message. We read you, but you're breaking up. 

Pilot on monitors: Repeat. This...cargo vessel Corellia Star. We are under...(Static)...from...(Static)...-erial fighters. We've discovered information that's vital to the Alliance. The Empire...(Static)...hidden...(Static) weapon...(Static)...Darth Vader intends...(Static)...destroy the Alliance. 

Sora: I couldn't get much of that. Corellia, you're still breaking up. Repeat your message again.

Pilot on monitors: (Hears blaster fire from behind, and turns back to the monitor) Hurry, Rebel Patrol! We haven't much time! They're boarding us! 

Then, someone fires and shoots the pilot in the back. He screams as he gets shot in the back, and the monitor goes static. 

Yumi: (Gasps) Oh, no. We've lost the signal. 

Sora: Looks like we got work to do, Commander. 

Commander: Copy that, Lieutenant. (To Rookie One and others) Ok, kid and everyone. Stay sharp. Watch your scanners for Imperial vessels. 

Rookie One: Too late; they've already seen us. 

Ulrich: He's right. I'm picking up a womprat's nest of TIE fighters at zero-four-two mark three. They're heading our way! 

Commander: Copy that. All fighters, switch to attack mode. Veer to two-two-nine mark four. 

All B-Wings go into attack position, and fly to the planet, where the TIE fighters are coming from. The TIEs are heading for the heroes' way. 

Sora: Commander, let's split up. I'll take my friends to the left, and you and Rookie One can take the right. 

Commander: Copy that, Lieutenant. Good luck. 

Sora takes his friends to the left, and the B-Wings are now in a battle with the TIE fighters. Everyone steers away from each other to get into better positions. The fighters fire at them, and they fire back. Sora glares at them, and fires his blaster controls. He destroys four TIEs at once. Riku flies beside him, and destroys three more of them. 

Kairi: Sora, more of them are coming in. They're everywhere!

Sora: I know, but we can take them! We always do!

Donald: We have to get through them in order to get to the planet. 

Yumi: But something tells me they're not gonna make it easy for us right now. Whatever the Corellia Star discovered, the Empire is trying to keep us from finding out what they've found. 

Ulrich: I hear you, Yumi. 

Ulrich flies in, and he takes down two of them. Yumi looks around as the TIEs fly all around the place. Just then, she spots a TIE behind Ulrich. 

Yumi: Ulrich, watch out! There's one on your tail! 

Ulrich: Where? I can't see him!

Yumi: Check your starboard wing. 

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