Chapter 55: Meeting Chris and Jenny Higgins and their friends

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Scene for Kingdom Hearts: Friday the 13th part 3

Kai and his friends are walking through town, just minding their own business. They walk by some kids playing baseball in their neighborhood. Momo and Sae wave to them, and they wave back. They continue walking. So far, they haven't heard from Sora and his group for a while. They figure that maybe they're just doing too much work over there, and can't talk to them. Or could it be something else? Just then, a van passes by them as it drives. Kai looks at the van, and sees it has a boat on top of it. Inside the van, a bunch of kids are riding inside. They're going to get someone. The van parks, and five people come out of it. Two boys, and three girls. Their names are Chris, Jenny, Andy, Debbie, and Chad. 

Chris: (Points at house) It's the white house on the left. (Looks at van) Hey, Shelly, come on out and meet your date.

Shelly: Bring her to me! 

Chad: (Scoffs, whispers) Wimp. 

Debbie: Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. 

Debbie and Andy look at each other, and they kiss each other on the lips. Chris, Jenny, and Chad all shake their heads at this.

Chad: You both just can't keep your lips off each other for once?

Chris: Sex, sex, sex. You guys are getting boring, you know that?

Andy: What would a weekend in the country be without sex? 

Jenny: Hey, shut up! Don't talk to her like that!

Debbie: Co-cool it, Andy. 

Andy: I didn't mean it that way. 

Chad: Then, what did you mean?

Chris: (Stops them) Look, you guys, I want you to have a good time this weekend. What happened to me and Jenny at the lake happened a long time ago. I'm fine, really, ok? Just forget about me. 

Debbie: Oh, I'm supposed to forget that we've been friends for--

As they talk, they fail to see someone coming up behind them with a knife and is wearing a mask. He slowly walks to Andy, and then stabs his hoodie, making him scream. The others jump, and they turn to see him. They all get annoyed. The knife is fake. 

Chad: Piece of crap, Shelly!

Andy: Goshdang it, Shelly! (Takes the knife, and throws it at him) Why do you always have to be such an a-hole? 

Shelly: I beg your pardon. I'm not an a-hole. I'm an actor. 

Andy/Chad: (Union) Same thing. 

Chad walks away as Andy talks to Shelly. Jenny looks at him, and he shakes his head. Shelly really knows how to annoy them all with his acting pranks. Chris knocks on the door as they come onto the porch. 

Andy: So don't embarrass me. Just relax. Be yourself. 

Shelly: (Takes off mask) Would you be yourself if you looked like this?

Chad: (Looks at him) We wouldn't know, man. 

They both come onto the porch as Chris continues knocking on the door. And just then, a Spanish woman opens the door, and looks at them.

Woman: Yes?

Chris: Hi, Mrs. Sanchez. I'm Chris. We've come to pick up Vera. 

Mrs. Sanchez: She is not going.

Everyone looks at each other as she goes back inside. And then, they all hear Vera and her mother arguing in Spanish. Chris and Jenny look at each other.

Sneak Peaks for Kingdom Hearts journeysTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon