Chapter 30: Prolgue part 2

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Scene for Kingdom Hearts: Tomb Raider

All Sora sees is darkness. He groans as he opens his eyes. He suddenly gasps as he finally wakes up. He looks around, and sees that he's upside down. He shakes around, but sees that he's stuck. He's in a sack that's tied up. And his feet are tied together too. He continues shaking, trying to get free. 

Sora: Hello?! Riku! Kairi! Guys! Help! (Grunting) Come on...I got to get down...

He looks around for something to help him get down. He can't summon his keyblade, because his hands are trapped inside the sack. He then looks down, and sees how long he is. He's about 50 feet in the air. He moves the rope back and forth, trying to see if he can break it somehow. Just then, he hears someone coming. He stays quiet, and waits. Just then, a young woman comes into the room. She's like in her early or mid 20s. 

She looks around as she clutches her right hip

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She looks around as she clutches her right hip. 

Woman: Hello? Is anyone here?

Sora: Uh, up here.

She looks up, and she sees Sora. 

Woman: Are you okay?

Sora: Yeah. Can you help me get down?

She nods, and walks around to find a way to help him get down. She feels the rope tied to a pole. She walks to it, and works on to untie it. She unties it, and Sora falls. He moves to fetal position as he falls, and lands on the ground without taking major damage. The woman walks to him, and helps get the ropes off his arms and legs. Sora then stands up. He sighs, and looks at the woman.

Sora: Thank you. 

Woman: You're welcome. Who are you? I don't remember seeing you on the ship. 

Sora: I'm Sora. I...came here on another ship. Do you know where my friends are?

Woman: No, I don't. Come on, we need to get out of here. Whoever brought us here is probably not friendly. 

They both walk off, while the woman is still clutching her hip. She groans, and leans against a wooden board. As Sora helps her, they both look ahead in another room, they're shocked to see a burnt up dead woman, tied. Candles are all around, like a shrine. 

Woman: Oh, gosh,, no...What is this place?

They both walk in, and the woman walks up the body. She looks at it. 

Woman: Oh, gosh. Steph. 

Sora: You knew her?

Woman: Yes. She was on my ship. (To Steph) What happened to you? (Spots a torch) A torch...

They walk to it, and she picks it up. They go onward. They accidentally hit some metal objects, making a sound. 

Woman: That was loud. 

Sora agrees to that as they come a blocked entrance, with wooden barrels and wood. The woman uses the torch to set them on fire. They watch as they burn, and they drop down. They both go forward. But then, they hear faint mumbling echoing through the cave.

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