Chapter 52: Meeting Grady, the worms are back

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Scene for Kingdom Hearts: Tremors 2: Aftershocks.

Perfection Valley, Nevada, U.S.A.

In the outskirts of Perfection, the heroes have stayed with Earl for a while. Right now, they're outside, helping him out. Earl is heard grunting, and he falls down on the ground. He exhales. Sora and Riku help him up.

Earl: Wildfire, you either walk into that other corral or I'm going to shoot you and drag your carcass in there. 

They're in a corral, and Earl has a rope. He looks at something as he prepares to throw the rope at it. 

Earl: Come on, Wildfire. Come on, boy. Let's go meet Susie now. You'll like her. You two got to get together. (Throws the rope) Got you! Whoa! Whoa! 

He gets dragged on the ground. Sora and Riku jump in, and try to help him as they get dragged too. 

Earl: Whoa, boy. Whoa! Whoa! (Loses the hold) Dang it.

They all look up, and see a male ostrich. They frown at it, who gulps. 

Sora: You're really making this too much for Earl, Wildfire. 

Earl: Now you and Susie are going to make me some little birds or we're gonna take some barbecue sauce to both of you. 

Earl sighs as a female ostrich is right next to the corral on the other side. The other heroes watch this, and sigh too. Looks like Earl has squandered his fortune on a failing ostrich ranch. They feel bad for him. Just they, they hear a car approaching. They all look, and see a taxi coming. Earl, Sora, and Riku get out of the corral, and close the gate. The taxi parks in the ranch. The taxi driver looks at Earl. 

Driver: Earl Basset, right?

Earl: (Nods)

Driver: (To man in back) I told you that's the other one. (Sees the heroes) Wait a minute. Oh, my gosh, you're Sora, aren't you?

Sora: Yeah.

Driver: (To man) Those are the kids I told you about to. That's them.

The driver and man get out of the taxi. The man coughs, and takes out something. It's an old newspaper that shows Earl, and Val together on it, when they were in Perfection. He then takes out another one, and it shows a picture of the heroes. It talks about them stopping the worms. The man smiles.

Man: Seno Basset. Seno Sora. 

Both Sora and Earl look at each other, and at the man. They all sit down with him, and the driver watches as he paces back and forth. 

Man: This is beautiful country, but very isolated. I had great difficulty finding you, but I'm glad I did.

Sora: But who are you?

Man: My name is Carlos Ortega. An executive in the oil company. 

Riku: Why were you looking for us?

Ortega: You see, we have had to close down one of Mexico's biggest oil fields. Several workers have been killed. 

Kairi: Oh, my gosh. Were there any survivors? 

Ortega: Only a very few. We have now determined that the men were killed by...certain large underground animals. 

Earl and the heroes look at him, and they have shocked looks on their faces. They know what killed the workers. 

Earl: Graboids. 

Driver: (Takes off sunglasses, points at Ortega) Ah! I told you that's what they named them. (Holds out hand) Excuse me. 

Earl: You mean, there's more of them?

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