Chapter 20: Reunion with Sarah, John's fate. "For John"

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Scene from Kingdom Hearts: Terminator: Dark Fate.

Sora is still out cold on the bed by Grace, and he begins to dream about something. He opens his eyes, and sees that he's on a beach. People are jus having a great day. Sora looks around, and sees a mother playing with her daughter on the sand. They're all speaking Spanish. Sora then looks at a outdoor restaurant, and sees more people just drinking and eating. Then, he spots Sarah, who looks younger like the last time he seen her like that. And he spots John, who is getting a drink. He's talking to a girl. He smiles, and walks to them. 

Sora: Sarah. 

Sarah turns around, and sees Sora. She smiles at him, and nods. He nods back, and walks to John. He taps on his shoulder. John turns around, and smiles as he sees his old friend. They give each other high fives. John gets his drink, and is about to walk over to his mom, but as he does, he gasps. Sora turns around, and sees a Terminator in human skin walking to him. He pulls out a shotgun. It aims it at John.

Sora: John, no! Get down!

Sora tries to get John down, but it was too late. The Terminator shoots him in the chest. He falls down on the ground.

Sora: JOHN!!!

Sarah: No! No!

Everyone all around panics, and run around. Sarah pulls out her pistol, and shoots at the Terminator three times. She shoots in its back, and on the right side of its face. Sora charges, and grabs the Terminator from underneath as it aims down at John, who is wounded and alive. Sarah grabs its shotgun, and tries to stop it. But it grabs her by the back of her hair. She groans as its grabs her. She screams as it flips her up. She lands on the ground. Then, it punches away Sora, who lands by John. John clutches his chest as he looks at his mom and Sora.

John: (Gasping) Mom...Sora...

Before they could get back up, the Terminator shoots John again, killing him. Their eyes widen in horror. It scans him, and sees that he is terminated. It drops the shotgun, and walks off. Sora and Sarah crawl over to John. Sora checks him, and sees that he is dead. Tears come out of his eyes.

Sora: John! John! No, John!

Sarah: No. No! John! John! (Wails) 

Sarah hugs her son close to her chest as she sobs. Sora cries as he looks at his dead friend. He looks at the Terminator, who is walking away. Sora couldn't believe it. Once, he and his friends saved three billion lives...but he couldn't save his friend, John. A machine took him away from him. And Sora now feels like he's been terminated. Sora yells in sadness and agony. Then, he wakes up from his dream. He opens his eyes, and gasps. He looks around, and sees that he's in a hotel room. He looks to his right, and sees Grace pinning a woman against the wall. Sora looks at the woman, and gasps, as he sees it's Sarah, Sarah Connor. He gets up from the bed, and rushes over. He grabs Grace's shoulder. 

Sora: Grace, let her go! She's a friend!

Then, he hears knocking on the door. He looks at the door. And he hears Dani's voice.

Dani: Sarah! 

Sora runs over to the door as Grace lets go of Sarah. And cocks the gun. Sora unlocks the door, and opens it. Dani, and to his surprise, all of his friends are with her. 

Sora: Guys! 

Kairi: Sora, you're awake. Dani told us that you were knocked out. 

Sora: I was. Grace is okay too. 

Dani: What happened? (To Sarah) Locked me out of the room? 

Sarah: Sometimes mommies and daddies have to have grown-up discussions. 

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