Chapter 21: Desert chase

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Scene from Kingdom Hearts: Indiana Jones: Raiders of the lost Ark. 

Indy, Marion, Sallah, and the heroes watch as the Nazis get some vehicles for escort of the Ark. A truck, a jeep with a machine gun, and a motorcycle with a sidecar. Then, they begin to load the ark in the back of the truck. All of the diggers rush to see, but the Nazis keep them back from getting close. One of them fires his machine gun in the air, making them all duck down. They put the Ark in the back, with some soldiers getting in the back. Belloq walks to a car with a German driver, Colonel Dietrich, and Toht. After he gets in, the rest of the escort get in their vehicles. Gobler gets in the jeep, and starts it. They all drive away into the desert, heading for Cairo. Indy looks at everyone as they duck down. 

Indy: Get back to Cairo. Get us some transport to England...boat, plane, anything. Meet me ay Omar's. Be ready for me. I'm going after that truck. 

Sallah: How?

Indy: I don't know. I'm making this up as I go. Sora, Ruby, Kai, Odd, and Kohaku, you're with me. Let's go. 

They all follow him as the others watch. Indy gets on a horse, while Sora, Ruby, Kai, Odd, and Kohaku summon their dragons, and get on them. They ride off into the desert, after the truck. The diggers all shout as they watch. They stand up as they ride by them. With Pete and Invader, they're with the escort too, flying over them. They're keeping their eyes on the truck. The group arrive on a hill, and they see the escort. Sora narrows his eyes, and glares at Pete and Invader. He points out to the others. They nod. They all ride down. They get behind the truck as it rides by. The Germans all exclaims in German as they see them. Pete and Invader look down, and spot them. The gunner open fires on them, but Sora summons a shield around them to protect them. 

Sora: Indy, you take Ruby and Odd with you. Me, Kai, and Kohaku will deal with Pete and Invader! 

Indy: Good luck!

Sora, Kai, and Kohaku fly up to deal with the two villains, while Indy, Ruby, and Odd ride towards the side of the truck. Pete and Invader fly their ship away from the escort, and Sora and his group follows after them. Indy jumps on the side of the truck as his horse neighs. His horse moves away from the truck. Ruby and Odd jump on the side of the truck too. Their dragons keep close as they fly. Indy opens the passenger door, and grabs the passenger. He throws him out of the truck, and he lands on the road, rolling to the side. Ruby and Odd see this, and climb to the front. Indy and Odd jump at the driver, who exclaims as they grab him. Ruby closes the door. Indy punches him in the face as he tries to take control of the truck. 

Ruby: Indy, be careful!

Indy keeps his hold on the German. Pete and Invader fly below behind the truck, keeping their eyes on it. Sora and his group are right behind them. Just then, the driver slams his foot on the brakes, stopping the truck hard. The men in the back all go backwards. Pete and Invader exclaims as they head for it. They pull up, along with Sora and his group. The jeep doesn't stop, and it hits the back of the truck. Odd frowns at this, and kicks away the foot from the brakes. Indy then pushes the gas, making the truck go forward. The crate in the back pushes one of the soldiers out as the truck pushes it forward. He screams as he flies out the back, and lands on the jeep, breaking through the windshield. 

Invader: (Looks ahead, warns Belloq's driver in German) Look out! Avold that! 

Pete looks ahead, and sees that they're driving through a village, barely missing some pedestrians. Ruby and Odd look ahead, and gasp in shock. Indy sees this as the truck plows through a wooden scaffolding built alongside a stone structure parallel to the road, sending workers falling off or jumping from ladders. One of the workers lands on the truck's hood. He looks at them with a dumbstruck on his face before slipping off the hood. All four of them look at each other, and laugh in relief. Then, Indy and Ruby punches the driver in the face, sending him tumbling out of the truck. Now they're in control of the truck.

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