I Left Myself In The Alleyway

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Title from the Alleyways by The Neighbourhood


One evening, it was already dark outside and I was just about to start making myself some dinner when Ronin walked in with his hat and shoes still on. Not caring about all the snow he brought in with him, he peeked into the kitchen only to see me standing there with a pan in my hand and a confused expression on my face.

''Ever heard of taking off your shoes before dragging in all the shit you picked up along the way?'' I asked and nodded at the muddy footprints he left behind.

''Not important, you're coming with me, I want to introduce you to someone.''

''Uhh...okay? Let me maybe just eat real quick and-''

''No, no eating, not now.''

''In that case, you can have fun explaining the doctors why I randomly fainted whilst walking the streets of Ninjago City.''

''That's not-look, just come with me, we'll get something to eat, promise.''

With a sigh I placed the pan back on the counter and followed Ronin out of the appartment where we had a few hooks nailed to the wall in an attempt to imitate a wardrobe. There, I quickly put on some shoes, my black coat and and auburn scarf. That scarf was probably one of the only things I had left that fit the colour scheme of my elemental powers. Since the clothes I'd worn before had no chances of survival and were a case for the trashcan in general and there was no way for me to get a copy of them (not that I really wanted to). So instead I opted for the most neutral colour I could think of which was black.

We went downstairs and exited through the entrance of the shop where Ronin quickly flipped over the sign hanging on it so it said 'closed' instead of 'opened and locked the door behind him.

A few snowfalkes tumbled down from the sky, looking a lot more peaceful than the very insistent snowfall and harsh winds which the city had been subjected to for the past few weeks. However, most of it couldn't even be enjoyed since it had all bee pushed to the side in piles and what hadn't was walked on or driven on by cars and hence turned into a muddy, grey mess.

Ronin led the way and I followed. For a few minutes I only watched my breath turn into white clouds and listened to the sounds of cars driving through puddles and the wet remains of snow until I asked, ''So who's this someone you want to introduce me to?''

''She's a friend.''

''Wow, don't talk my ear off.''

''Oh shut it. I just think you two might get along and you'll have someone to talk to and not just be holed up inside that broom closet all the time.''

''Hey, I'm not always in the closet! Sometimes I'm in the kitchen.''

''I rest my case.''

The walk wasn't too long, it only took about ten minutes of until we reached a Chen's Noodle Palace. A guy I hadn't thought about in a long time and was rather determined to have it remain that way. With a 'we're here', Ronin opened the door and we both went inside. The warm air hit me like a very welcome wall and the smell of food made my stomach grumble. In the background, festive music jingled quietly from a radio and the voice of a news reporter and clanking of cooking utensils could be heard.

We walked further inside and passed the plastic tables and empty, cheap-looking benches with orange upholstory only to stop in front of the aisle in the middle of the room where the food was being prepared. A red-haired woman was standing in front of a stove with a noodle-filled pan sizzling away and humming quietly to herself as she pushed the noodles around with a pair of chopsticks. Ronin cleared his throat.

Opposites Attract // (Ninjago x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora