Only one can remain

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I couldn't sleep that night. The main reason was that the fight Karloff and Kai were having was incredibly fucking loud!

By the time they had reached the ten minute mark I was fed up. I got up and walked over to them.

They were both circling each other and panting heavily as they thought about what to do next. Karloff was no problem, he was made out of metal, but He did have some metal on the brochure like thing that was strapped to his chest by some...weaved leather? I didn't know what it was, all that was important was that I could feel the cargoes surrounding that thing and manipulate them.

Lloyd, Garmadon, Jay and Cole stood at the side, watching as Kai fought. The other elemental masters either didn't care or were watching with interest.

'Well, not much longer since I'm about to shut this down.'

They charged at each other but before either could attack, I freezed them shut. I made the metal they were wearing stay in place. Karloff couldn't move his body at all whilst Kai dangled off of the ''brochure'' that I had lifted slightly in the air so he was floating in the air.

''Could you SHUT UP?!'' I made Karloff fly against the wall and let him off the hook for now. But since Kai started the fight, I had a different surprise ready for him.

I pulled him towards me so we were face to face. I heard Lloyd say something along the lines of ''Can we interfere now?'' to his father who nodded.

'Shit, I have to be quick.'

''Let's annoying little shit.''

''Huh? Who you calling little, short stuff'', He mocked me.

''You just flipped a switch.'' I growled and threw him off the boat. His friends gasped and ran towards the railing to see if he was still alive. Of course he was, I just let him dangle right above the waves.

''Hey, could you let our friend go?'' Lloyd tried to reason with me.

''Uhh no.'' I let Kai slip a little further down. He screamed like a little girl, talking in jibberish as he panicked.

''Please? He was the one who defrosted you.''

I stayed silent for a while and made Kai go up and down until he sounded like he was about to throw up. 'Damn, he got me.'

''Under one condition.''

''And what would that be?'' Asked Cole, looking sincerely concerned down at his friend.

''He has to say that I'm not short. Because I'm not.''

''Uh?'' Lloyd looked down at me with a raised eyebrow. ''...suure.''

I made Kai fly up. ''I hope you heard that?'' I shouted in his direction.

''Y-yes, you're not short, just g-get me away from the water!'' He yelled.

With a sigh I gently put him down and his friends rushed to his side.

''Are you alright?'' Garmadon asked.

''Y-yeah, what are you t-talking about? I had e-e-everything under control.'' He stuttered. Skylor joined them and helped Kai up, quickly snatching his powers.

'Damn, I've never seen Kai like this before. Okay, he's incredibly afraid of water. I guess if someone did that to me but instead of water it was fire, I would've freaked out just as bad as him. But anyway, finally peace and quiet and I get to sle-' A bell rang and I looked up to see that we had just arrived at Chen's Island.

'You've got to be kidding me.'

In the distance the sky was slowly lighting up, different orange, yellow and pink tones of sunlight illuminating across the ocean. Everyone stared at the palace on the island in awe. Except me, because Cole was standing right in front of me and he was about as tall as a mountain.

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