On a Wish and a Prayer

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Word Count: 7400


''Welcome to my humble abode!''

Jay said as he pushed open the doors leading into the luxurious villa. The other Ninja all 'wow'd in excitement and let their eyes scan the large entrance hall. Zane's falcon flew above our heads and landed on one of the pillars, already making himself at home. The Lightning Ninja lead us into a door to the left which lead to the spacious living room Nya and I had found him in when we'd gone to look for him.

It was early, the sun had just risen and I was still sort of sleepy, especially after the past few eventful days and considering I'd been woken up a few times because of some incessant earthquakes that had been persistent ever since Nadakhan had disappeared with his ship yesterday. Considering that and also the fact that chunks of land were just going missing and floating up into the air for seemingly no reason, it was safe to assume it was the Djinn who was responsible for my sleepiness.

''Fear isn't a word where I come from!'' The Fritz Donnegan statue right next to the entrance chimed.

''Does that thing have motion sensors or does it just say that every once in a while?'' I whispered to Nya who was walking next to me to which she responded by shrugging.

''So how did you come across this place again?'' Lloyd asked, a little starstruck by the statue.

''I...saved up. Yeah, that's it! I saved up a every little bit and now ta-da! Here's my secret hideout!'' Jay responded nervously and gestured toward the expensively decorated room. ''It can be our secret hideout, of course!''

I squinted at Jay. He was acting just us strangely as yesterday when we were at this place.

'No idea who he thinks he's fooling but it's certainly not me. I just need a minute to talk to him alone, don't want Nya getting any wind of this.'

''Fear isn't a word whe-'' The statue started saying again but was quickly interrupted by Jay who gave it a good whack to stop it from talking.

''First we lost Wu, then Misako and now Kai. I don't know about you but I'm starting to see a pattern!'' Lloyd stated.

''Whenever one of us finds ourselves alone, we disappear.'' Zane finished the conclusion.

''Then we better stick together from here on out. We'll need to take a look at that lantern. Jay, hit the lights!'' Nya said.

''Lights. Lights, right.'' Jay said as he whipped his head back and forth as if searching for a a lightswitch. ''Where would they be?'' He asked as he started pacing around the room, scanning the walls and furniture.

''Ah found them, haha! Sorry, big house.'' He said once he'd eventually found a control panel mounted to a wall. Upon pressing one of it's buttons, the AC came to life and started blowing cool air into the room. With a shake of his head, Jay started pressing as many buttons as he could randomly, accidentally turning on the radio and other things until eventually, the blinds closed in front of the windows and sunk the whole room into darkness.

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