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This had a long time coming. Sorry it's so short, I'm just kinda getting writer's block since I don't know how to write the chapters between season 4 and 5. Feel free to comment, it always makes me want to write more :)



My tired eyes looked at my opponent who stared down at me with it's glowing eyes. 'Fuck. This isn't how I expected to die. This is a really lame death, honestly.' I thought to myself as the giant lifted it's heavy stone fist, about to crush my skull when suddenly, a glowing beam of light emitted from my arm. It's silver shine blinded the stone giant and made it stumble back as it covered it's eyes. With fascination I watched as the light surrounded my opponent in swathes until they all slowly seeped into the forest ground where the soil slowly began to crack more and more with a deafening sound until a big crack was formed. Suddenly, a massive stone hand gripped the edge of the crack and clawed tightly at it, cracking some more of the earth in the process. With one giant jump, a different stone giant leapt out of the opening and landed behind my opponent, making the earth quake and rumble as it did. Adrenaline pumped through my veins, confusion clouding my mind as I questioned how the even bigger giant with dark, glowing eyes had just appeared at just the right moment. The new contestant lifted it's massive hand and quickly swept it to the side, knocking the smaller giant to the right. It crashed through about ten trees before it came to a halt. The deafening noise of the trees being snapped straight at their stumps echoing through the dark woods. The bigger stone warrior stomped towards it's opponent with intimidatingly small steps considering it was about ten feet taller than it's counterpart. Using the opportunity since they both had their backs turned on me, I took my chances and made a run for it. Although my legs still felt like rubber and it felt like my spine was broken, the adrenaline and fast beat of my heart kept me going; running straight ahead, not even caring where I was going. My ears were roaring and my eyes scanned the dark silhouttes of the trees, trying not to run into one of them when I suddenly spotted a faint shimmer of light in the far distance somewhere between the weeping willows. My legs carried me as fast as I could yet I still stumbled over every second root that only as much as slightly stuck out of the ground. My sides were burning, my throat was as dry as sanding paper as my exhausted legs caved in and I tripped, barely rolling into the light. The sun burned in my eyes and I immediatly closed them, white spots dancing in front of my vision becuase of how long I'd been in the darkness. More and more time passed as I just lay there, trying to catch my breath as well as regain my strenght. After maybe five minutes I managed to prop myself up on my ellbows and open my eyes so I could see where I was. And low and behold, I was back at the graveyard. It looked less spooky in the daylight but it still had an eerie atmosphere nonetheless. The knocked over wooden crosses lay scattered all across the swampy floor, the heavily damaged low stone walls surrounding the small space not really keeping out anyone since you could just climb over it and the wooden cabin still looking as abandoned and broken down as I remembered, although it looked a little sadder and more pathetic in the daylight. My legs slowly carried me to said cabin in curiosity, wanting to see if the person I'd talked with last night was still in there. My hand reached out to grab the old, metal door handle and pressed down yet it didn't budge. 'Locked...? Does the lock really still work? I mean, this thing looks like it's a century old!' I thought to myself in confusion but just leaned my back against the door and slid down like I'd done last night. My fingers drummed against the wood of the cabin, not knowing what to do now. I was way too weak to summon my elemental dragon; the running away had tired me out and being knocked against a tree by a stone giant didn't help either, not even mentioning the gaping hole in my stomach. Just now I noticed that my legs were covered in bruises and scratches since I was wearing shorts that went until my knees and running through the forest, tripping every now and then and walking into thorned bushes weren't probably the best activty considering this. I decided that the best (and also the only thing) I could do was to rest until I regained enough strength to summon my dragon. So, I waited. Eventually I started to get bored of just leaning against the wooden door and got up to walk around a little around the graveyard and see what I could find. Most of the wooden crosses had something carved into them, probably the names of the dead one they belonged to, but none of them were readable since they seemed to be written in a different language or the very least with different characters than the ones used today. And other than that, there wasn't really much to see. Sure, there was the cabin but since there was someone inside last night I'd rather not forcefully break it open in case the habitant returned. So, all I could do was sit in the shade of the cabin since I prefered shade over sunlight by far. Minute after minute passed and I although I wasn't out of breath anymore, I still couldn't muster up the strenght to summon my elemental dragon. Out of boredom, I tapped my knuckled against the wooden door two times, not really knowing why. A sudden wind rushed through my hair and made small leaves on the ground float up in a swirling motion. Shivers ran down my spine and the hairs on my forearms rose up; the wind was drowning the warmth of the sun and cooling down the area tremendously. ''You again?'' ''WAH!'' I flinched at the sudden question that cut through the silence like a sword. ''W-wait, I thought you were gone or something?'' I questioned since the person hadn't said anything when I tried to open the door. ''Obviously not.'' ''Oh...'' I nervously said, trying hard to come up with a topic to talk about since my mind was void of anything to talk about and just sitting in awkward silence was never my ideal. ''Why'd you come back?'' The mysterious voice asked me and made me sigh in relief since I wouldn't have to come up with a topic to talk about now. ''Let's just say I'll never go back intot that forest again. Didn't even know creatures like I've seen were real.'' I shuddered at the memory. ''Also, I can't summon my elemental dragon so I have to sit this one out.'' ''Oh? Elemental dragon? Please, do tell.'' ''Oh Jesus how do I explain this...?'' Just great, I ratted myself out once again. ''You don't have to. I am very familiar with elemental powers and what...advantages they come with.'' They chuckled lowly and I raised an eyebrow at the suspicious answer. ''How come?'' ''Wouldn't you like to know?'' ''Yes. Yes, I would like to know, that's why I'm asking you! A person I've only known for one night and have already spilled all of my problems in life and backstory to!'' I freaked out and ripped at my hair. The voice chuckled once more and the wind started picking up again, making me shiver slightly. ''Why don't you try summoning your dragon?'' ''But I already know it won''t work!'' ''Just try it.'' I sighed and got up. After stretching I closed my eyes and concentrated on the task at hand. It took a few seconds but eventually auburn mist seepef out of my fingertips and gathered in a big cloud in front of me before solidifying. I opened my eyes again and my dragon exhaled directly into my face, the warmth of his breath made my throat tingle. With my mouth slightly agape, I reached out and petted his metal snout. ''I guess it worked. Thanks, person I don't know.'' I said and mounted my dragon. ''See you later or tomorrow or never, I dunno.'' I shrugged and gripped the rains, making us take off. Little did I know the response that followed my goodbye was: ''We'll meet again sooner than you think...''

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