Ninja Roll

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I sat down next to Lloyd with my tray in hand and greeted everyone with a 'morning'. The green ninja leaned towards me so he could whisper without anyone hearing.

''Where were you yesterday? One second you were behind me and the next you were gone.''

''I wanted to give you guys some space. You seemed pretty down yesterday, not that I can blame you.'' He nodded and went back to boredly shoveling food in his mouth.

''Where's Kai?'' I asked, suddenly noticing the lack of someone picking a fight with me. Jay, who was seated across from me, just shrugged and tristely stirred his rice around.

''I dunno. Maybe overslept...'' He placed his face in his palm and let his shoulders slouch down.

'Poor guy. He seems really sad...'

Suddenly, music was blasted through the speakers in the cafeteria and soon enough, Chen's voice started announcing today's battles. Of course, mine was the first but also the last one.

''Lloyd, you still have to fight against Camille, right?'' I suddenly rememberd. He nodded.

''Okay, but why not today? I mean, there's only one fight and it's me against Skylor. There would be plenty of time for one more.'' Lloyd shrugged dismissively and stirred around in his rice just like Jay.

'I can already tell they're not in a good mood but come one. At least Lloyd could care a little more, this could be our last breakfast together, after all! Although, we've only known each other for three days so maybe he doesn't care that much.'

I could hear the raindrops falling on the pebbles outside and it calmed me as it always did.

'Well this feels like the calm before the storm.'


My heart was beating out of my chest despite the fact that it was still raining outside. Skylor faced me with furrowed eyebrows and her ninja hood, why she even had one was beyond me. The brightly lit dojo seemed to be a place of peace and quiet and even I could feel that, despite the fact it felt like I was about to have a heart attack. My stomach twisted at the way she clutched her spear tight in her hands, ready to send me to the factory with flying colours.

Multiple vases were placed around us and I could feel the cargoes radiating around them, signalling that there was metal inside most of them.

'One of them has to be the Jade Blade but which one?'

Chen was in his throne, rubbing his hands together and smiling an almost sinister smile before speaking up.

''Skylor, Master of Amber versus (Y/N), Master of Magnetism! Let the fight...beginn!''

The gong that stood next to his throne was stroked by his guard. Slight panic settled in and all I could register was the way the cargoes changed in an abrupt manner before every single metallic piece came flying towards me, breaking through their vases. I held out my hand and grabbed the Jade Blade out of the ball of floating weapons without looking away.

This all happened in a matter of seconds and Skylor stood there with wide eyes. I didn't really notice but I was thankful my reflexes decided to play it safe. Chen jumped in his throne.

''THAT was IT? Already?! Come on, this is absolutely no fun!'' He banged his hands against the control panel which opened a trap door underneath Skylor, letting her fall to her (questionable) doom.

As soon as she was gone I realized I had been holding my breath for the past thirty seconds or so and as soon as I drew in a shaky breath, the weapons all fell to the ground. Their clanking was incredibly loud and some viewers held their ears shut.

Opposites Attract // (Ninjago x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now