Out Of It

647 54 82

Title from Forever by Alex G

Word Count: 11.900

Merry christmas everyone, here's your present.


''This isn't what I had in mind when I thought of you training me'', I told Wu with a deadpan expression as I cut yet another tea leaf and put it in the woven basket I was carrying.

''No? With weather this beautiful, it'd be a shame to spend it on the Bounty all day. Oh, get some of that Blue Oleander, it goes beautifully with the Black Tea.''

He pointed to a plant with pale blue leaves he leisurely strolled past and with a sigh I followed behind him, snipping some of them in the process with the shear's he'd given me.

Wu was right, though; it was a beautiful day. The sun was shining high in the sky and the park we were walking through was oozing positive energy with a plethora of blooming fauna, bees and insects buzzing through the air and birds tweeting in the background. Barely any people were around though, most of them hanging around in the areas of the park that were not flooded with different kinds of bushes and trees.

''I was thinking more 'do this parcour on the deck of the Bounty' and not 'let's go on a walk and pick tea leaves', you feel me?'', I complained as I dragged my feet behind him.

''Today's world is so fast paced. If you don't stop to look around you once in a while, you miss all that makes life meaningful.''

''Sure, but like I said, I didn't agree to this for you to take me on a walk and give me a lesson in herbology-''

''Hush now, this is all a part of your training.''

Usually, this would have been the point at which the old me would have walked away, declaring this was useless. But what Yang had said stuck with me and I tried holding onto the belief that, if I stopped to actually think about what he was saying, maybe it would all start making sense someday.

Not today, though.

''Oh, look at this! It's been a long time since I've last seen one of these!'' Wu picked a few red berries off of a bush and threw them over his shoulder without looking and continued walking. They landed perfectly in the basket I was carrying.

I pursed my lips and looked at him walk off.

''Come now, we're almost there.''

With a sigh, I continued to follow him.

It took maybe a few minutes until we reached a little picturesque glade, the sunlight illuminating the center of it where it stood surrounded by a bunch of trees and dense greenery.

''Sit down, please. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths'', Wu instructed.

I put down the basket and shears and did as he told me. A few more beats of silence passed until I grew restless.

''How is this going to help me with anything? I doubt you made the other Ninja go on walks with you and pick flowers...''

''Your training is very different from their's. Meditation, and even more so the essence of being a Ninja is all about finding balance. Your task is to unite both sides of the extreme in yourself and find even ground. Black and white, darkness and light, they all cannot exist without one another. You have seen into the abyss of evil and jumped straight into it, clawed yourself out and up into the light of good. You have seen them both unlike any other student I have ever had and that makes you special. You have potential to be something great.''

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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