Winds of Change

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Eheheehe this took kinda long. Really sorry. But here you have a longer chapter (3800 words) and I hope you enjoy the ghosty boi action.

 I sighed as I stood on one foot on the ladder and tried my best to reach the highest shelf in the room to put the box of tea leaves in. Stretching my arm one last time, I managed to put the box where it belonged by a handwith before losing balance and falling down. I groaned at the dull pain in my ellbow where I'd landed on and got up. Thankfully this was the last one I'd have to stock, all the others had already been correctly stored by me. I left the storage room and saw that Misako was standing behind the counter checking the register and Nya was next to her on a ladder, stocking some shelves just like I'd done before. ''And I thought saving Ninjago was difficult. Try starting a small business!'' ''Wu can't be a Sensei forever! It's about time we all help out with his retirement.'' Misako said. I let out a sigh and let my head drop on the counter. I was so tired and sick of everything! ''What's the matter, my dear?'' Misako asked me. ''Absolutely everything.'' I let out another sigh and propped my head up on my palm as I tapped my fingers on the counter. ''It's just that...I'm so bored! I get that Wu's retirement is important and all but I'm always just sitting around and doing nothing! Even now, they get to be on a mission to catch some kind of mutated fish that's eating villagers or something and I'm stuck here sorting tea and stocking shelves!'' I complained and slammed my hands on the table. ''Welcome to my life.'' Nya said with a smile. ''Thanks...'' I muttered under my breath and jumped when Wu suddenly appeared next to me and put a bucket of water down. ''Worry not, your time will come.'' ''My...time? And what is that supposed to mean?'' ''You will know in due time.'' I groaned. ''Why do you always have to talk in crosswords?'' ''In...what?'' ''You know, crosswords. They give you a very vague idea of what they're trying to tell you and you have to fill in the blanks and it takes half a lifetime to solve? That's exactly how you talk.'' Wu shook his head and walked over to a package that had been delivered earlier today. ''Good things come to those who wait for the time has yet to come.'' ''This is precisely what I'm talking about!'' I exclaimed with furrowed eyebrows and slouched shoulders. All of a sudden, I could hear the ninja talking outside as if they'd just appeared out of nowhere. ''Oh who am I kidding? I'm tired of waiting, I'll put the ninja to work.'' ''Now we're talking.'' I said with a grin and followed him outside of the tea shop. ''Ninja! You need to find customers.'' ''No 'hello, how's it going? Glad to hear you safed the day...again'?'' Jay said as he and the other jumped off their elemental dragons which disappeared immediatly after. ''Yeah, sensei. We're all a bit tired, do you mind if we...handle this tomorrow?'' ''At least you didn't have to stock shelves all day...'' I mumbled to myself so no one could hear it. ''We all have a share if this business succeeds. How else do you expect me to be able to afford all your uniforms? Which reminds me...'', he set the carton on the ground and opened it. ''Your new ones arrived.'' The ninja all started cheering and whispering with one another, excited how the new suits would look like. However, instead of a ninja gi, Wu pulled out a t-shirt that had a blue tea kettle imprinted on the front. The excitement on their faces visibly drained as they all looked at the shirt in confusion. ''Uh, those do not appear to be ninja uniforms. They attire.'' Zane said and leaned forward so he could take a closer look. ''Very observant, Zane. We must focus on furhtering brand awareness. And here are the flyers I want each of you to pass out in the city.'' Wu took some flyers out of the carton and gave each of the ninja a bunch of copies. ''Urgh, if we have to pass all these out, I may be the one passed out!'' Jay complained as he looked at the flyers in his hand. I snickered quietly as they all  put on the tshirts above their usual uniforms and matching tea kettles on their heads which made Kai scoff at me but I ignored him anyway. ''Aren't we gonna look dorky when we ride on our power dragons dressed like this?'' He questioned as we all walked back into the shop. ''You won't be flying on anything. We're selling tea, not magic. Besides, you all have been relying a little too heavily on your powers lately. Real power comes from the inside.'' I let out a collective yawn at his lecture. He'd been saying this for days now and it was honestly a little tiring. ''It would be our honour, Sensei.'' Lloyd said with a smile. ''...I'll let him know right away.'' Was all I heard Misako say before she hung up the phone. ''Is it a big order?'' Nya said with an excited smile. ''It's...the police. They've asked for Lloyd. There's been a break-in at the museum.'' I felt a cold, paralyzing wave roll over my body. Up until this point I hadn't even noticed how the last ten minutes had alined completely with the last episode I'd seen literally months ago but now the realization had hit me hard. ''Go on, I'll take your share.'' Cole turned to Lloyd. ''If I remember correctly, there was someone who wanted to get out of the shop and do something a little more exciting.'' Misako said with a smile and suddenly, all eyes were on me. I, on the other hand, was still frozen and staring at the ground of me in shock. ''(Y/N)? Everything alright?'' Lloyd said with a concerned expression and put his hand on my shoulder. ''I-I... Yeah, I-I'm fine!'' I said with a forced smile. ''You can give me y-your share, I'll take care of it.'' ''Thanks.'' He said with a smile and quickly handed me his uniform as well as the flyers and then ran out of the shop. ''Aren't you gonna kiss your mother goodbye?'' Misako stopped him just as he was about to walk out. ''Mom, we've talked about this.'' He said with an emberassed sigh. ''I'll catch you on the way back!'' Everyone laughed except for me. I simply stared at him run across the yard in front of the tea shop and just as he was about to pass the gate, I called out, ''Lloyd!'' and ran after him. The blonde stopped and turned around with a raised eyebrow. ''What is it?'' He asked as soon as I'd caught up with him. ''Erm, it's... I mean, I-'' I sighed. ''Be careful, okay?'' Without giving it another thought, I pulled him into a tight hug and buried my head in the crook of his head. Lloyd laughed nervously and hesitantly put his arms around my waist. ''Uh...sure.'' We stayed like that for a while until I slowly pulled away. His face was bright red and he turned his face to the right so it wouldn't be too obvious, then coughed. ''Well then, I...better get going. It's only a break-in, I'll be back in no time!'' He said with a smile and waved, then summoned his elemental dragon and took off. ''Sure...'' I mumbled to myself. ''Come on, stop flirting, we got something to do.'' I was suddenly shoved slightly forward, not with a lot of force, and Kai walked past me. ''What, jealous?'' I replied in a snarky tone and follwed him and the others the path that lead to Ninjago City. ''N-no! Why'd I ever be jealous of him?'' He turned around with a light blush on his features and glared down at me. ''Not of him, of me.'' I replied with a smirk. ''You're full of shit.'' He snorted, turned around again and started a conversation with Cole. Meanwhile, I was (once again) left with no one to talk to.

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