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I barely got any sleep that night, considering how early we had to get up. Well, early in my opinion. But breakfast at eight definitely was.

And since I'd gotten home at about three a.m. last night, I accidentally got up ten minutes late today. After changing my clothes, bandages and applying the ointment, I headed out to get to the cafeteria. On my way there, another announcement by Chen echoed throuhg the hallways.

''The Tournament of Elements continues! Time for a little fun! The masters of the following elements will go to their allotted arenas: Speed, Levitation, Smoke, Sound, Mind and...last but not least, Fire! The battles will start in half an hour!''

'Sweet, I've got a day off.'

I arrived at the cafeteria and slipped in using Shadow Step since I didn't want anyone to notice I was late again. I materialized myself again in a dark corner and got up to get my tray. Of course, everyone else was already sitting at the same table they sat at yesterday which left me with the only seat left at the table of the ninja.

After getting my food, I walked to their table in slight awkwardness. ''So, I may or may not have overslept and there are no seats left...again.''

Jay and Kai just glared at me in annoyance, clearly not liking I was trying to interrupt their little get-together, Cole was busy eating his biscuits and Lloyd just slid to the right and patted next to him, motioning for me to sit next to him.

''Thanks'', I sank into the cushions and pulled my bandana down to beginn eating. I looked up when I noticed everyone was staring at me. My questioning gaze wandered from one to the other in a questioning matter as I looked up from my food. I mentally facepalmed as I remembered why I even wore the damn thing.

''I think you've got something on your cheek.'' Kai pointed out in what seemed like slight disgust. I moved my hand to cover my right cheek as I nervously chuckled.

''Uh, yeah. Just ignore that, it's not important anyway.'' The brunette eyed me suspiciously until Lloyd changed the topic (thank god).

''So, Kai, any idea how you're gonna beat the Master of Smoke?'' The hothead went from looking at me to looking at him with a shrug.

''I'll figure it out soon enough. But I'm pretty sure he has nothing on me.'' He leaned back with a cocky smile and put his foot on his knee.

''You can be cocky all you want after the battle is over, but right now I don't think it'll help you win.'' I said unimpressed as I sipped on my juice.

''What do you know?'' He snapped back at me. ''I bet I've fought more battles in the past four months than you in your pathetic life!'' Okay, he was right but still.

''Yet you didn't manage to defeat General Cryptor, did you?'' He gritted his teeth and leaned forward.

''What do YOU know about him, anyway. I bet you've never even seen him once!''

''Uhm, Kai, didn't you point out that Cryptor was laying in front of the alleyway we found them in?'' Lloyd pointed out. The fire ninja went silent yet his eyebrows furrowed even more as he tried to think of something to say. He gave up and sank back in his seat.

''Still, you didn't defeat him.'' I rested my chin on my palm and raised one eyebrow. ''Oh no, you didn't.'' He denied. A grin spread across my face.

''I think I did.''

Kai ripped at his hair out of frustration. ''You can't make me believe you!''

''Just think about wasn't even that hard, he's made out of metal after all.'' I gave him a push in the right direction.

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