Spy For a Spy

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The first thing that woke me up was the dull pain that felt like it was pounding my head against a stone table. I groaned and slowly started opening my eyes. My vision was still a little blurry on the outsides but at least it wasn't slipping in and out of focus anymore. From what I could tell, I was in a bed in a rather small room that looked like a supply closet. The bed fit just right into the room, even though it was so small. Granted, the bed was smaller than a normal one but it was still long enough for me.

Garmadon was standing with his back turned on me and doing something I couldn't see on an old table that was loaded with junk. Next to me was Neuro sitting on a stool with crossed arms and closed eyes.

'Probably sleeping.'

I tried to say something yet the only thing that came out of my mouth was a weird screetch. Garmadon turned around to see me looking at him. He walked over and handed me a glass of water without saying anything. I drank a bit before coughing and finally being able to speak.


After that, there was an awkward silence so I decided to just make something up.

''What happened?'' Okay, so far so good. Garmadon sighed and sat down on a different stool.

''After we found you, I brought you here to take care of your wounds, it was the only room Chen would allow me to go to, and I spoke with Chen and managed to postpone your battle until tomorrow after the battle of Tox and Shade. You should rest for today, you need your strength tomorrow.'' I nodded.

''Why is Neuro here?''

''He wanted to stay until you woke up. Looks like you found a good friend.'' I smiled slightly and looked down at the glass of water I was clutching in my hands.

''If only my son would do the same...'', I heard him mutter under his breath.

''What time is it?'' I asked but before Garmadon could open his mouth, Jay practically kicked the door out of it's hinges and screamed,''IT'S DINNER TIME!''.

I jumped, accidentally spilling the water on my lap and Neuro woke up rather unpleasantly as he fell off the stool he was sitting on.

''Jay, don't shout like that.'' I heard Kai say behind him before he also appeared in the doorframe.

''We came to get you since there aren't any clocks in this room.'' Lloyd explained as he walked past his two friends.

''Since when are you awake, (Y/N)?'' Neuro asked as I helped him up.

''Just woke up.''

''And how are you feeling?'' He continued to ask.

''Except the bad headache I have right now, I'm good. Also, thanks for waiting here.'' I said with a smile as we started to walk through the door, practically ignoring the Ninja and Garmadon.

''YOU'RE WELCOME!'' Jay screamed down the hallway as we were just about to get out of their sight.

I suddenly noticed that there was a bandage around my head where the wound on my head probably was. Neuro and I continued talking until we reached the cafeteria where the ''beds'' had already been removed and everyone was back to talking on their tables. We got our trays and started getting in line for food.

''Where do you usually sit?'' I asked him.

''At the table with Tox, Shade and Camille. But I'm not really friends with either of them, we can sit wherever you want to.'' He told me. After we both got our food, I decided that it would be better not to sit at his usual table, mainly because Shade and I weren't exactly on best terms after the Thunderblade Race. He gave me most of my concussion, after all.

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