The Crooked Path

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''AaAah-ouch, watch it!'

''Maybe, if you stayed still, this wouldn't hurt as much!''

''Well, maybe, if you were a little gentler I would stay still!''

Morro rolled his eyes and finished up the last few stitches, (hopefully) safely securing my shoulder wound from opening up again.

''Oh man, by the time all this stuff's over I'm gonne look like Frankenstein's monster.'' I joked and twisted my head to take a look at the stitches on my back that had been done by Ronin.

''Franken...stein's monster?''

''Ah, nevermind,'' Of course, I couldn't expect him to know a book which most likely never existed in this realm. ''He's like 8 ft tall anyway.''

''That means you're about 3 ft short of being him,'' Morro joked back, a smirk adorning his features. I put my shirt back on and hung what was left of my jacket over my shoulders and hugged my knees, pulling them close as I stared into the flames of the campfire we'd set up. Yes, that fire was way too close to me for my liking but, then again, I might freeze to death if it wasn't.

After we'd somewhat recovered from falling down a cliff, we decided it would be best to spend the night in the forest before meeting up with Morro's friends in the morning. Well, at least that's what Morro decided, if it were for me we could've already been up in the air and meet up with them this very night. Unfortunately for me, I was injured and weakened so Morro's decision was very reasonable and I eventually gave in.

So we'd walked for some time until we came across a cave where Morro had managed to make a campfire despite only having moist sticks to work with and had also managed to patch me up enough for the time being.

''Pssh, I'm not thaat short,'' I argued with a smirk.

''Sure.'' Morro rolled his eyes once more and sat down next to me, staring into the fire just like me. For a few minuted neither of us said anything, listening to the wind howling outside of our cave and the fire cackling quietly in front of us. Eventually, he took out a a flask and took a sip from it. ''Want some?'' He offered and I gladly accepted, my throat dry from all the things my body had been put through throughout the day.

I took a sip and my eyes widened in suprise, coughing a little as the bittersweet liquid ran down my throat. ''You actually put Whiskey in this?'' I laughed loudly to which Morro responded with a smirk. ''What else were you expecting, hotshot?''

''Oh, I dunno, something more PG-friendly like water?''

''Would you have preferred water?''

''Meh, I'll take the alcohol.'' I waved him off and took another sip as he let out a laugh. We continued to pass the flask between us during our conversation.

''So what're you gonna do once you get the Realm Crystal?'' It was a stupid question, I'll admit it. Mostly because I already knew what the answer was but it was the first topic that came to mind.

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