Stiix & Stones

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The cold wind was blowing in my ears, dark clouds filling up my vision and forcing me to rely on my elemental dragon to lead the way to Stiix. I'd been flying for probably a few hours now and my thoughts had been racing non-stop ever since I'd talked with the voice.

Was I really happy with being a part of the Ninja? Really, what was holding me there beside Lloyd? Nothing, really. And that realization was what made me so insecure about whether I was really making the right decisions. Did I care for them? You can bet your ass I did. Today I even had some fun with them, although singing about bottles of tea and laughing about it was a rather sad idea of fun.

I felt I was at a point at which I wasn't really sure how to define my relationship with them. Were we friends? Were we acquaintances? Were we just roommates sharing the same flying ship? Did they care little enough for me for me to justify me leaving them or would they think it was simply uncalled for since we got along in their eyes?

''Argh!'' I let out a frustrated yelp and let myself fall back, laying flat on my dragon's back and staring at the stares above. Why was this all so complicated? Why was there no definitive answer on whether I should leave them or not? Why did so much speak for it but also so much against it?

''Just what should I do, boy, eh?'' I asked my dragon absentmindedly and patted his back to which he responded by grunting. ''Yeah, me too.'' I responded as if he'd actually answered and sat back up, picking the reigns up again.

Deciding it wouldn't lead to anything if I thought about this matter for the next few hours, I decided to just focus on getting to Stiix for now. By the time I saw the small village on water beneath the clouds, the sun had already started to rise from what I could tell at least since the whole sky was still covered with clouds, making it hard for any sunlight to make it through.

I landed outside the village in front of the pier that would lead to it's entrance since I didn't want to freak people out by letting them see my dragon. After doing so, I walked along the pier and after a few minutes I reached the entrance of Stiix, a lone fisherman welcoming me. Upon greeting him back I entered the village and looked around.

It seemed to be rather worn-out and poor, many people sitting outside their shops or carrying crates of fish around. Deciding to look around a bit in hopes of randomly stumbling across Ronin's shop out of luck. Some people gave me weird looks but I couldn't blame them for it. I clearly looked like I didn't belong here with my bandana and very conspicious color of clothing.

After a few good minutes I'd reached what appeared to be the center of the Stiix since this seemed to be the busiest area I'd found yet. My gaze fell upon a wooden sign above one of the houses that said ''Ronin's Shop''. 'Well, if this isn't it, I don't know what is.' I thought to myself as I entered, not bothering to knock first but at least having the courtesy to take off my bandana.

''A customer! Welcome to Ronin's shop, I'll be with you in just a second!'' Was the first thing that greeted me along with Ronin whose back was turned to me since he was busy rummaging through a box. Meanwhile, I let my gaze wander around the interior.

The shop was filled with shelves that were stocked up with all kind of junk, reaching from a deck of cards to trophies and fake flowers. At the back Ronin had set up a table that was supposed to serve as the cash register with a door to the right of it leading to god knows where.

''Now, what can I help you wi-'' Ronin said and turned around, freezing in place when he saw me standing in the door frame. ''Do people really buy this junk?'' I asked, closing the door behind me and stepping forward to the register.

''I-(Y/N)?'' ''Yes, that is my name. Do you really have trouble telling if it's me or not? We've only seen each other a few months ago.'' '''No, it's not that I have trouble telling who you are, I just...didn't expect you to show up.'' He huffed with a little laughter at the end. ''If I knew you were coming I would've cleaned up a little.'' ''No, you wouldn't have.'' ''Heh, you know me too well, kid.'' Ronin pulled himself up to sit on the counter and motioned for me to sit down in a chair that was standing in a corner of the shop.

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