That Night

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Title from Arms Tonite by Mother Mother


''Hey, kid, wake up! Just what do you think you're doing in my flat?''

I was awoken by a rather annoyed voice along with a hard kick against my leg. I fell to the side and tried to get up, only to trip over my own feet and fall down again.

There was an annoyed grunt coming from the person next to me. I looked up and saw a man with beard stubbles, a strange contraption strapped over his one eye and a purple hat on his head. He also wore some kind of chest plate which seemed...weird. But hey, I'm not in the position to be questioning one's outfit choices.

I sleepily blinked whilst scanning him from top to bottom.


''You heard me. I was asking why you were in my flat.''

''YOUR flat? To me, it doesn't seem like you bought the place.''

He placed his hands on his hips sassily. ''Listen here, kiddo, I'm not the kinda guy you wanna mess with.''

That statement alone made me want to roll your eyes but I surpressed it.

''Just so you know, I'm a master thief. I ain't afraid of hurtin' someone, so you better give me a good reason or else...''

''All right, all right!'' I waved my hands around dismissively. ''So...uh...what was the question again?'' I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly.

His eyebrow furrowed and I could tell he was getting pissed. ''The question was...'', he paused for a moment.

'''I...forgot what the question was, but I've got a new one!'' He exclaimed. ''Give me one good reason why I shouldn't throw you back on the streets again.'' He crossed his arms and looked at me with an annoyed expression.

''Well...I...can help you out. Everybody needs a friend, right? Or a partner in crime, at the very least.''

''And just what exactly would you be able to help me out with, ''partner in crime''?'' He asked, air quoting the last words.

I stood up and propped one foot against the wall so I could look like I had the situation under control. ''Anything you want, basically. I could run some errands here and there, maybe do a 'lil spy work, rob a bank then and again. You know, the usual, and you could let me live here.'' I grinned, trying to sugar coat my way into getting a new home. He groaned.

''Uugh, fine. But you better not annoy me or I'm kicking you out before you can count to five!''

''Aaactually, I can only count to four.'' I said with a sarcastic grin. He rolled his eyes and turned his back on me.

''So, uh, what's your name?'' I asked him before he could get away.

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